All photos are copyrighted by members of Photographic Handbook of Philippine Plants group and are linked with permission.
These are photos of plants which were recently posted and need to be indexed. Only the photo, sciname, common name, contributor is listed. Properly identified entries are deleted and transferred to the main entries.

Image posted by Boyet Presco on January 23, 2015.
Genus identified as Rynchoglossum by Benigno Resurreccion.
Facebook link: ""
Urena lobata Linn. Afulut; Anonongkot; Bagouan; Baranggot; Batikil; Dalupang; Daupang; Dopong; Kolokot; Kollokollot; Kulot; Kulit; Kulotan; Kullukullut; Kulut-kulutan; Mangkit; Molopolo; Palisin; Poot-si-nuang; Pirikit; Saligut; Supang; Tapanding; Caesar weed; Bur mallow; Congo jute
Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union
Sony DSC W800 Posted by Mario Molave Delmendo on September 17, 2014.
FB link:

Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata (L.) L,
Synonyms: Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk,, Eclipta erecta L., Verbesina alba L., Verbesina prostrata L.
Common Name: False Daisy, Bhringraj (Ayurdevic)
Family: Asteraceae
ID References:,
Camera Used: The fist 7 photos were taken by Fujifilm FinePix , the last 5 pix by Samsung ST66.
Dates Photos Taken: January to July 2014. (See Individual photo description).
Medicinal Uses: Antibacterial, topically effective against skin disorders including swelling, burns, insect bites, and other irritations, anti-inflammatory, reduces fevers, arthritis, etc. In India, it is used as a hair tonic to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.
For more information on the plant's medicinal uses, you may click these links:,, and
Posted by Ella Bernales Jacildo on August 28, 2014