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Plant/flower | Echeveria agavoides |
Common Name | crested molded wax agave |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3200 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 2, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Echinocactus grusonii |
Common Name | golden barrel cactus |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 27, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
click for a non-flowering plant photo

| Plant/flower | Echinodorus cordifolius, Echinodorus radicans |
Order/Family | Alimantalis/Alimantaceae |
Common Name | Creeping Burhead |
Origin/Distribution | Mexico,West Indies, Central America, South America, North America/aquatic areas, marshes, swamps and ponds |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Esteban Subdivision, Pulupandan |
Camera | Sony W-120 |
Post Date | September 16, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia USDA USDA Forestry PythoImages |
Index | 808 |
Links | Facebook |
Photograph taken on January 28, 2012.

| Plant/flower | Echinopsis peruviana |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae |
Common Name | Torch cactus, cabeza de turco |
Origin/Distribution | Peruvian western Andes/cultivated |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Quirino, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Trend GT S7392 and Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | July 29, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 692 |
Links | Facebook |
a close relative is echinopis pachanoi which is the true San Pedro.

| Plant/flower | Eclipta prostrata (L.) L, Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk,, Eclipta erecta L., Verbesina alba L., Verbesina prostrata L |
Order/Family | |
Common Name | False Daisy,yerba de tago,bhringraj |
Origin/Distribution | tropics/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Fujifilm Finepix S4500 |
Post Date | September 19, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 783 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Eichornia crassipes |
Order/Family | Commelinales/Pontederiaceae |
Common Name | Water hyacinth |
Origin/Distribution | Brazil/pantropic |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Botanic garden Erlangen Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 28, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 682 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
Photo shows water hyacinths with the kariba weed, both hightly invasive!
| Plant/flower | Elaeis guineensis |
Order/Family | Arecaceae/subfamily: Arecoideae, tribe:Cocoeae |
Common Name | Afrian oil palm, macaw-fat |
Origin/Distribution | west and southwest Africa(Angola to Gambia)/cultivated |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | University Avenue U.P. Diliman |
Camera | Fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | January 11, 2015 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 965 |
Links | Facebook |
| Plant/flower | Elaeocarpus_angustifolius |
Order/Family | Oxalidales/Elaeocarpaceae |
Common Name | Blue Marble Tree, Blue Fig, Blue Quandong |
Origin/Distribution | Australia/cultivated |
Photographer | Evelyne S. Bautista |
Location | Bacolod City |
Camera | Samsung Note 3 |
Post Date | January 19, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 981 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
 | Plant/flower | Elephantopus mollis Kunth |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae |
Common Name | Malatabako; Elephant's foot, tobacco weed |
Origin/Distribution | West Africa/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Ubbbog, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | March 31, 2015 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Index | 1055 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Pers. |
Order/Family | Acanthaceae/Nelsonioideae |
Common Name | Purple scaly stem |
Origin/Distribution | Burma , Thailand/cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Mabini, Batangas |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | October 9, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 827 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Emilia sonchifolia |
Common Name | Lilac Tasselflower |
Photographer | Ella Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | January 31, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia TropicalMedicinalPlants blog |
Links | Facebook |
An annual drought resistant herb with weak erect stems, ovate or obovate leaves, and growing in open spaces and wastelands. The plant flowers from July to October with which can be lavender, purple or pink colors. It contains calcium, phosphorous magnesium, sodium and potassium elements and riboflavin and niacin vitamins.
The plant is effective in treating fevers, coughs and bronchitis.
Juice is a natural for eye diseases, and is also good in conditions like worm infections and allergy. Applying a paste on the thyroid region helps to cure the swelling in is sometimes used in cases of diabetes.
| Plant/flower | Entada phaseoloides |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae,subfamily:Mimosoideae, tribe:Mimoseae |
Common Name | Gugo/Gogo, St. Thomas bean |
Origin/Distribution | Oceania, East Asia/wild-crafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Subic, Zambales |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | July 22, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Entada) StuartXchange |
Index | 1257 |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Epigeneium treacherianum,Dendrobium treacherianum |
Common Name | Treacher's Epigeneium |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental |
Camera | StarMobile Diamond S2(?) |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 21, 2014 |
Reference | OrchidsWikia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Roel C. Mendoza |

| Plant/flower | Epiphyllum sp. |
Synonym | Epicactus sp. |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae, subfamily: Cactoideae, tribe: Hylocereeae |
Common Name | climbing cacti, orchid cacti, leaf cacti |
Origin/Distribution | Central America/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella A. Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1385 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Episcia cupreata |
Common Name | flame violets |
Photographer | Ner N. Nato |
Location | |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 24, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Epipremnum_aureum, Scindapsus aureus |
Order/Family | Araceae/Monsteroideae |
Common Name | Australian native monstera, centipede tongavine, devil's ivy, golden pothos, hunter's robe, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy, taro vine |
Origin/Distribution | Northern Australia through Malaysia and Indochina into China, Japan and India. /pantropical, pansubtropical |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | Philcoa, Diliman, Quezon City |
Camera | Smartmobile Diamond S2 |
Post Date | October 24, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 870 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Buner Brune |
Often mistaken as a philodendrun.

Plant/flower | Equisetum arvinse |
Common Name | Horsetail, Buntot ng Kabayo |
Photographer | Judith Felix Santos Felizardo |
Location | |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 7, 2014 |
Reference | EPA blog Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Eryngium Giganteum |
Order/Family | Apiales/Apiaceae |
Common Name | Miss Willmott's Ghost |
Origin/Distribution | Caucassus, Iran/in gardens worldwide |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 663 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | erythrina budwili |
Common Name | fireman's cap |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | QCMC |
Camera | Canon SX50HS |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 7, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Erythrina crista-galli |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae |
Common Name | Coral Tree or Cockspur Coral Tree, Ceibo (South Amer.), Cry baby tree |
Origin/Distribution | South America( Argentina, Uruguay, southern Brazil,Paraguay)/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | Palo Alto, California |
Camera | Olympus Stylus 780 |
Post Date | October 17, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 850 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | erythrina orientalis (L.) Merril |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae, subfamily: Faboideae, tribe:Phaseoleae |
Common Name | dapdap, Coral tree, Indian coral tree, tiger's-claw |
Origin/Distribution | Indo Pacific region/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Dinagat Island |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | September 5, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia NCBI |
Index | 1287 |
Links | Facebook |
NCBI reference lists erythrina orientalis, Erythrina corallodendrum var. orientalis L., Erythrina indica Lam., Erythrina orientalis (L.) Merrill and
Tetradapa javanorum Osbeck as non-preferred names for erythrina variegata Linn.

| Plant/flower | erythrina variegata |
Common Name | dapdap, Indian coral tree, tiger's claw,sunshine tree |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | NLEX Pampanga |
Camera | Fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | June 18, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia stuartxchange |
Index | 546 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Derek Cabactulan |
A tree with many medicinal uses, mouthwash and toothache reliever in Philippines,for menstrual disorders and fissures at penis tip in India, wrapper for
for fermented meat in Vietnam, and as material for lacquered art in Okinawa.

| Plant/flower | escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb. |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae |
Common Name | spiny star, viviparous foxtail cactus |
Origin/Distribution | North America/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 30, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1216 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Etlingera Elatior |
Common Name | Torch ginger, Ginger Flower, Red Ginger Lily, Torch Lily, Philippine Wax Flower |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Bohol |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 15, 2014 |
Reference | Stuart Exchange Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Eucalyptus cinerea |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Myrtaceae |
Common Name | Argyle Apple, Mealy Stringbark, Silver-leaf Stringybark or Silver Dollar Tree |
Origin/Distribution | Auteralia/cultivated |
Photographer | by Deedee Garrido-Granada |
Location | Baguio City orchidarium |
Camera | Apple Ipad |
Post Date | June 21, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1196 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID:Ella Ancheta |
Plant/flower | Eucalyptus Deglupta |
Common Name | rainbow eucalyptus or gumtree |
Photographer | Evelyne S. Bautista |
Location | Philippines |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 2, 2014 |
Reference | stuartxhange Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Eucharis Grandiflora |
Common Name | Amazon Lily, abod |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | January 25, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Eucrosia bicolor |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Amaryllidaceae, subfamily: Amaryllidoideae |
Common Name | Peruvvian lily |
Origin/Distribution | Equador, Peru/cultivated |
Photographer | JPatrick Britanico |
Location | NA |
Camera | Canon 7D? |
Post Date | April 14, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1098 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ernesto Adorio |
 | Plant/flower | Eupatorium capillifolium |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae |
Common Name | dog fennel |
Origin/Distribution | Florida/introduced, invasive |
Photographer | Vicky Abay |
Location | Bacolod City, Negros Occidental |
Camera | ZTE BLADE PRO V829 |
Post Date | April 1, 2015 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Index | 1057 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ray Ong |
This is easily confused with the true fennel plant.
Wikipedia: Some considers the smell strongly unpleasant when the leaves are crushed. Dogfennel contains liver-damaging pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

Plant/flower | Eugenia reinwardtiana |
Common Name | California beach cherry, Cedar Bay Cherry, Mountain Stopper |
Photographer | Evelyne S. Bautista |
Location | Bacolod City |
Camera | Ipad Air |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 3, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Native to northern Australia and pacific islands

| Plant/flower | euphorbia berteroana |
Order/Family | Malphighiales/Euphorbiaceae |
Common Name | ? |
Origin/Distribution | Texas, Mexico , Caribbean , Brazil to northern Argentina/wildcrafted , weedy |
Photographer | Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla |
Location | Baguio City |
Camera | Samsung ES90 |
Post Date | October 6, 2014 |
Reference | Spanish Wikipedia |
Index | 810 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Bernales Jacildo |

| Plant/flower | Euphorbia cotinifolia L., Euphorbia Cotinifolia ssp. cotinoides ( Miq. ) Christenh. |
Order/Family | Malphighiales/Euphorbiaceae |
Common Name | Herba mala |
Origin/Distribution | Surinam/cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Bukidnon |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | January 14, 2015 |
Reference | Spanish Wikipedia |
Index | 976 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Euphorbia Cyatophora |
Common Name | wild poinsettia, dwarf ponsettia or fire-in-in-the-mountain |
Photographer | EBJ |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | ... |
Date | Jan 13, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook

Plant/flower | Euphorbia Hirta #1 |
Common Name | Tawa-tawa,gatas-gatas, asthma plant, snake weed |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Alangilan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | |
Date | January 18, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia ,StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook

| Plant/flower | Euphorbia hirta #2 |
Common Name | tawa-tawa, Butobutonisan, Saikan, Bugayau, Gatas-gatas, Pansi-pansi |
Photographer | Benigno Resurreccion |
Location | Cuenca, Batangas |
Camera | Nikon coolpix L830 |
Post Date | June 15, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 537 |
Links | Facebook |
with purported anti-dengue properties.

| Plant/flower | Euphorbia lactea 'White ghost' haworth. |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Euphorbiaceae,Subfamily:Euphorbioideae,Tribe:Euphorbieae,Subtribe:Euphorbiinae |
Common Name | Dragon bones tree, Candelabra spurge, Candelabra Cactus |
Origin/Distribution | tropical asia, India/cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Los Banos, Laguna |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | July 25, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1259 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Euphorbia Leucocephala Lotsy |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Euphorbiaceae |
Common Name | Young Christ flower, Flow de nino, Pascuita, little Christmas flower, white lace euphorbia, snow bush, snow flake, snows of Kilimanjaro[1] and white Christmas bush |
Origin/Distribution | Mexico, mesoAmerica/cultivated |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | QCMC, Quezon City |
Camera | Fujifilm X-T10 |
Post Date | February 6, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1361 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion |

Plant/flower | Euphorbia milii |
Common Name | Crown of thorns |
Photographer | |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 14, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | euphorbia milii (yellow) |
Common Name | crown of thorns |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Australia |
Camera | Fujifilm FinePix S4000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 19, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Euphorbia pulcherrima |
Common Name | christmas star, christmas flower, poinsettia poinsettia, crown of the Andes, painted leaf, lobster plant, Mexican flameleaf, flor de Pascua, Noche buena |
Photographer | Teofe Jayme Hoesl |
Camera | |
Location | Germany |
Post Date | June 12, 2014 |
Reference | Spanish Wikipedia |
Index no. | 514 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Euphorbia tithymaloides, Pedilanthus tithymaloides |
Common Name | buck-thorn,cimora misha, Christmas Candle, Devil's Backbone, Fiddle Flower, ipecacuahana, Jacob's Ladder, Japanese Poinsettia,Jew's Slipper, Jewbush, Milk-Hedge, Myrtle-Leaved Spurge,Padus-Leaved Clipper Plant, Red Slipper Spurge, Redbird Cactus, Redbird Flower, Slipper Flower, Slipper Plant, Slipper Spurge, timora misha, and Zig-Zag Plant |
Photographer | Lulou Caballero |
Location | |
Camera | |
Post Date | June 11, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 6 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Euphorobia trigona Haw. |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Euphorbiaceae |
Common Name | suda-suda, african milk tree,cathedral cactus,Abyssinian euphorbia,high chaparall |
Origin/Distribution | Central Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Boyet Tayag Presco |
Location | Lomon, Kapangan, Benguet |
Camera | Samsung NX |
Post Date | January 14, 2015 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 975 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
Wiki: this plant has never been known to flower, and latex from the plant is venomous and can cause skin irritations.

Plant/flower | Excoecaria Cochinchinensis, |
Common Name | chinese croton, Blindness tree, Buta Buta, Jungle Fire plant |
Photographer | EBJ |
Location | Pulupandan, Negros Occidental,Philippines |
Camera | ... |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook
 | Plant/flower | Excoecaria agallocha L. |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Euphorbiaceae |
Common Name | buta-buta, blinding tree, river poison tree |
Origin/Distribution | pantropical, mangrove areas/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | Bantayan People's Park, City of Bago, Negrow Occidental |
Camera | Fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | February 11, 2015 |
Reference | Stuart Xchange wikipedia |
Index | 993 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
A medicinal mangrove species. Sap has been used as fish poison. Avoid getting in contact with the leaves and never
burn this tree! The smoke will blind the eyes.
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