March 15, 2015: From the editor(Ernesto Adorio): We are changing the links to the representative images in this page. Stay tuned.
Garcinia Binucao
Corrected name April, 14, 2014. Thanks to EBJ.

| Plant/flower | Garcinia intermedia |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Clusiaceae |
Common Name | Lemon Drop Mangosteen, mameyito, berba, marasantol |
Origin/Distribution | tropical America/cultivated |
Photographer | Yvonne Mamaril Peralta |
Location | San Juan, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Tab |
Post Date | March 31, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1054 |
Links | Facebook |
Gardenia jasminoides

Plant/flower | Gardenia jasminoides |
Common Name | rosal, gardenia |
Photographer | Aileen Villar |
Location | Mama's garden, Pangasinan |
Camera | Samsung S4 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 17, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange,EPA blog |
Links | Facebook |
Gardenia tubifera Kula

| Plant/flower | Gardenia Tubifera Kula (Wall. ex Roxb.) |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Rubiaceae, subfamily: Ixoroideae, tribe: Gardenieae |
Common Name | Golden Gardenia |
Origin/Distribution | Southern Florida/cultivated |
Photographer | Lola Let |
Location | Jordan, Guimaras |
Camera | Iphone5S |
Post Date | July 17, 2015 |
Reference | swedish Wikipedia TopTropicals Tom-Piergrossi |
Index | 1250 |
Links | Facebook |
Geastrum saccatum

Plant/flower | Geastrum saccatum |
Common Name | Earthstar mushroom |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Samsung ST-66 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 18, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Ella: I found them growing among the decaying leaves and vegetables in my composting tank. They look interesting, started growing like small spiny brown balls then after a few days, puffed out and opened their 8 petals forming like flowers.
Geodorum densiflorum

| Plant/flower | Geodorum densiflorum |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Orchidiaceae |
Common Name | nodding swamp orchid |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Ubboh, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Trend GT S7392 |
Post Date | July 7, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 605 |
Links | Facebook |
Gigantichloa levis

Plant/flower | Gigantichloa levis (Blanco) Merr. |
Synonym | Arundarbor levis (Blanco) Kuntze,Bambusa levis Blanco,Dendrocalamus curranii Gamble,Gigantochloa heteroclada Stapf,Gigantochloa scribneriana Merr. |
Order/Family | Poales/Poaceae, Subfamily:Bambusoideae,Supertribe:Bambusodae,Tribe:Bambuseae,Subtribe:Bambusinae |
Common Name | Bolo |
Origin/Distribution | China, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and New Guinea/cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Bukidnon |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | December 29, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(general) ThePlantList |
Index | 1342 |
Links | Facebook |
Ginkgo biloba

| Plant/flower | Ginkgo biloba |
Order/Family | Ginkgoales/Ginkgoaceae |
Common Name | Maiden hair tree, fossil tree |
Origin/Distribution | native to China/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | April 24, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Ginkgo) Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1114 |
Links | Facebook |
Ella: A true conifer, one of the last survivor of group of plants thought to be living in the permian age 250 million of years ago.
Wiki: Ginkgo trees can grow large, and can reach heights of 20-35, even up to 50 meters. It is also used for food.
Gliricidia sepium

Plant/flower | Gliricidia sepium |
Common Name | Madre Cacao, Kakawate |
Photographer | Helen Tagamolila |
Location | Pavilion Hotel, Bacolod City |
Camera | Samsung Tab 3 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 16, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Gliricidia sepium photo was a case of misidentification. That was a photo of an adelfa and we will be removing the following entry after we finish fixing the image urls.
Globba winitii

| Plant/flower | Globba winitii |
Order/Family | Zingiberales/Zingiberaceae |
Common Name | Dancing ladies ginger,dancing girls ginger |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/cultivated |
Photographer | Yvonne Mamaril Peralta |
Location | Panicsican, San Juan, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Galaxy Tab2 GT-3100 |
Post Date | July 29, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(globba) |
Index | 696 |
Links | Facebook |
Glochidion rubrum Blume

| Plant/flower | Glochidion rubrum Blume |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Phyllanthaceae |
Common Name | bagnang-pula |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, SouthEast Asia,Burma, Indo-china, Southern China, Mollucas /cultivated, wildcrafted |
Photographer | ZP M PC |
Location | Mindanao |
Camera | Not specified |
Post Date | May 30, 2015 |
Reference | StuartXhange EOL |
Index | 1150 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Gloxinia Perrenis

Plant/flower | Gloxinia Perrenis |
Common Name | Canterbury bells |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | Alegria, Murcia |
Camera | Fujifilm HS25EXR |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | January 31, 2014 |
Reference | EPA Blog Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: GCY |
Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) Correa, Glycosmis citrifolia Lindl.
| Plant/flower | Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) Correa, Glycosmis citrifolia Lindl. |
Order/Family | Sapindales/Rutaceae |
Common Name | Gingging, Linawin, Limonia, Orangeberry, gin berry, rum berry |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, southeast asia, Northern Australia/cultivated. |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Samsung ST-66 |
Post Date | September 15, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 776 |
Links | Facebook |
Gmelina arborea
 | Plant/flower | Gmelina arborea Roxb. |
Synonym | Gmelina arborea var. canescens Haines |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Lamiaceae |
Common Name | beechwood, gmelina, goomar teak, Kashmir tree, Malay beechwood, white teak, Yemane |
Origin/Distribution | India, Southern China, Indo-China/cultivated |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | Philcoa, Quezon City |
Camera | Fujifilm X-T10 |
Post Date | December 20, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1331 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | (Id, common name): Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Gmelina elliptica, gmelina asiatica?
| Plant/flower | Gmelina elliptica, gmelina asiatica? |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Lamiaceae |
Common Name | AlBetebet; Asiatic beechberry; Bosel-bosel; Asian bushbeech; Kalulu |
Origin/Distribution | Philippines, Siam Cochin China/low and medium altitude thickets and forests in Luzun, Panay |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Ballogo, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800C |
Post Date | July 14, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(general) StuartXchange |
Index | 637 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Genus: Hadassah Chen at Co's Digital Flora |
Note: The scientific name G. Philippinensis, was the then current best guess, and has been changed to G. elliptica (July 17, 2014). Current knowledge indicate that G. elliptica may be the same species as G. Asiatica.
Goethea Strictiflora, Goethea cauliflora

| Plant/flower | Goethea Strictiflora, Goethea cauliflora |
Order/Family | Malvales/Malvaceae |
Common Name | geothea |
Origin/Distribution | Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 29, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Goethea) |
Index | 693 |
Links | Facebook |
Gomphocarpus physocarpus

Plant/flower | Gomphocarpus physocarpus |
Common Name | Milkweed, hairy ball flowers, devil's balls,balloon plant,family jewels |
Photographer | Al Ferrer Claud Jr. |
Location | Bacolod City |
Camera | Samsung ES-15 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 22, 2014 |
Reference | EPA blog Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Gomphrena celosioides

| Plant/flower | Gomphrena celosioides |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Amaranthaceae |
Common Name | Botonsilyong-gapang; Prostrate Globe amaranth; Gomphrena weed; Soft khaki weed |
Origin/Distribution | Brazil/heavy infestation in Luzun |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | July 13, 2014 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Index | 625 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
Gomphrena globusa

Plant/flower | Gomphrena globusa |
Common Name | globe amaranthus, botoncillo |
Photographer | Petpet Caballero |
Location | Iloilo |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 11, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Gonostegia hirta

| Plant/flower | Gonostegia hirta (Blume ex Hassk.) Miq. |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | Rosales/Urticaceae |
Common Name | Sakati |
Origin/Distribution | Asia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno Resurreccion |
Location | Agusan del Norte |
Camera | GE J1455 |
Post Date | October 25, 2015 |
Reference | ThePlantList |
Index | 1318 |
Links | Facebook |
Goniothalamus amuyon

| Plant/flower | Goniothalamus amuyon |
Common Name | Amuyong, taiwn goniothalmus |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | U.P. Diliman, Garden of Native trees |
Camera | fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | June 13, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia(Goniothalamus) StuartXchange |
Index | 531 |
Links | Facebook |
the species goniothalamus amuyon is not listed in the wikipedia article.
Grangea maderaspatana (Linn.) Poir.

| Plant/flower | Grangea maderaspatana (Linn.) Poir. |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae |
Common Name | Pakpako ti alog; Madras carpet; swamp fern |
Origin/Distribution | /La Union, Pampanga, Bulacan and Rizal Provinces in Luzon. |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Balaoan, La Union |
Camera | Sony W-800 |
Post Date | July 10, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Grangea) StuartXchange |
Index | 1242 |
Acknowledgment | ID:Ella Ancheta |
Links | Facebook |
Graptophyllum pictum

Plant/flower | Graptophyllum pictum |
Common Name | caricature plant, Jamaican croton |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Samsung ST-66 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 11, 2014 |
Reference | StuartXhange Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
This plant is native to India.
Graptophyllum pictum 'Tricolor'

| Plant/flower | Graptophyllum pictum 'Tricolor' |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Acanthaceae |
Common Name | River Spiderwort, Small-Leaf Spiderwort, Inch Plant, Wandering Trad, Wandering Willie, Wandering Gypsy |
Origin/Distribution | India/cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Los Banos, Laguna |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | March 25, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1028 |
Links | Facebook |
Guettaria speciosa
Guzmania viola (pink)

Plant/flower | Guzmania viola (pink) |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 16, 2014 |
Reference | DavesGarden Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Gynura divaricata (Linn.) DC.

| Plant/flower | Gynura divaricata (Linn.) DC. |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae,(tribe)Senecioneae |
Common Name | Purple passion |
Origin/Distribution | China/China, Australia, Malesia, Southeast Asia, cultivated. |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | Rancho Santa Maria, California, California |
Camera | Olympus Stylus 780 |
Post Date | October 18, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Gynura) Wikipedia Wikispecies EOL |
Index | 858 |
Links | Facebook |
Notes: September 2.2015 Guettara speciosa has been deleted. the photo was of a previous entry artocarpus salicifolius.
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