| Plant/flower | Saccharum spontaneum L. |
Order/Family | Poales/Poaceae |
Common Name | Bogang; Bugang; Lidda; Sikal; Talahib; Tibayo; Tigbau; Fodder cane; Wild cane; Wild sugarcane |
Origin/Distribution | Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | March 29, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1039 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Saintpaulia ionantha |
Common Name | African violet |
Photographer | Alicia Hafalla Bañares |
Location | Baguio City, Benguet |
Camera | ... |
Reference | Wiki entry(Saint paulia) |
Links | Facebook
Acknowledgments | AHB(photo) |

Plant/flower | Salvia Splendens var Atrosanguinea |
Common Name | Salvia red, scarlet sage |
Photographer | Nelyn Tiongson |
Location | Baguio |
Camera | Apple Ipad2 |
Photo Date | January 24, 2014 |
Post Date | January 25, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Salvinia Molesta |
Order/Family | Salviniales/Salviniaceae |
Common Name | Kariba weed, giant salvinia |
Origin/Distribution | Southeastern Brazil/pantropic |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 29, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 695 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Sambucus nigra |
Common Name | elderberry, boon tree, acte, bur tree, pipe tree |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | June 3, 2014 |
Reference | RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
A medicinal plant which originated from Europe.

| Plant/flower | Sambucus nigra 'black lace' |
Order/Family | Dipsacales/Adoxaceae |
Common Name | elder, black elder, elderberry. European elderberry |
Origin/Distribution | mostly Europe/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | March 30, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia Crocus |
Index | 1093 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Samallanthus sonchifolius, Polymnia edulis |
Common Name | Yacon, Peruvian ground apple |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 20, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sansivieria cylindrica Bojer |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Asparagaceae, subfamily:Nolinoideae |
Common Name | African spear plant, cylindrical snake plant, elephant tusk |
Origin/Distribution | native to Angola/cultivated |
Photographer | Al Ferrer Claud Jr. |
Location | Alijis,Bacolod City |
Camera | Myphone Rio camera |
Post Date | July 25, 2015 |
Reference | German Wikipedia Phylla.com |
Index | 1263 |
Links | Facebook |
Similar looking plants: sansieveria bacularis has purple sheath at the base, s. cylindrica is usually variegated.

| Plant/flower | sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra 'Coppertone' |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Asparagaceae, subfamily: Nolinoideae |
Common Name | star sansevieria, snake plant,mother-in-law tounge, |
Origin/Distribution | Africa |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Geadens by the Bay, Singapore |
Camera | Nikon D300 |
Post Date | April 11, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1090 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sansevieria Trifasciata |
Common Name | Mother in law tongue |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | January 31, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sansevieria trifasciata var laurentii Metallica |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Amaryllidaceae |
Common Name | Mother in law tongue, snake plant |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated worldwide |
Photographer | Estela Aximar Julayco |
Location | Talisay, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S2700 |
Post Date | September 27, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 791 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion |
This is a variety of the snake plant.
 | Plant/flower | Sapindus saponaria L. forma microcarpa Radlk., Sapindus marginatus Willd., Sapindus thurstonii Rock |
Order/Family | Sapindales/Sapindaceae |
Common Name | Kusibeng, wingleaf soapberry, western soapberry, jaboncillo, mānele |
Origin/Distribution | Americas, esp. south of Florida, incl. Hawaii/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | Bangui, Ilocos Norte |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | March 21, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1020 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |

Plant/flower | Saraca Indica |
Common Name | Ashoka, saraca |
Photographer | Vicky Abay |
Location | Sum-ag, Bacolod City |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 24, 2014 |
Reference | EPA blog Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Saraca thaipingensis Cantley |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae |
Common Name | Large leaf saraca, Yellow Ashoka and Yellow Saraca. |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, SouthEast Asia/cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Quezon City |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | March 30, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1050 |
Links | Facebook |
| Plant/flower | Sauropus androgynus |
Order/Family | Malphighiales/Euphorbiaceae |
Common Name | binahian,katuk, star gooseberry, sweet leaf |
Origin/Distribution | tropics, exact origin unknown/cultivated as vegetable in Asia |
Photographer | Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla |
Location | Bauang,La Union |
Camera | Samsung WB250F |
Post Date | October 6, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 811 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |

Plant/flower | Scadoxus Multiflorus, Haemanthus multiflorus |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Amaryllidaceae, sufamily Amaryllidoideae |
Common Name | blood lily, bloodflower, Katherine-wheel, oxtongue lily, powderpuff lily |
Photographer | Al Ferrer Claud Jr. |
Camera | Nokia Asha 501 |
Location | Alijis, Bacolod City |
Post Date | June 11,2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook
| Index no. | 7 |
Image url revised. January 15, 2015.

| Plant/flower | scadoxus multifluros subsp katherinae Baker, Haemanthus katherinae Baker |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Amaryllidaceae, sufamily Amaryllidoideae |
Common Name | blood lily, bloodflower, Katherine-wheel, oxtongue lily,powderpuff lily. |
Origin/Distribution | Swaziland; eastern coastal South Afric/cultivated |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | Sum-ag, Bacolod City |
Camera | Fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | January 14, 2015 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 973 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
This subspecies has wider leaves and pets,kids should not touch it as it is highly poisonous.

Plant/flower | Scaevola micrantha |
Common Name | Mosboron |
Photographer | Benigno Resurreccion |
Location | Dinagat Island |
Camera | Nikon Coolix L830 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | June 9, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Scaevola) |
Index no. | 502 |
BR: This is a relative of the linu plant and is a metal accumulator.

Plant/flower | Scaevola taccada,scaevola frutescens, scaevola sericea, lobelia taccada - linu, naupaka, Beach Cabbage, Sea Lettuce |
Common Name | linu, naupaka, Beach Cabbage, Sea Lettuce, magoo, boto |
Photographer | Benigno Resurreccion |
Location | Dingat Island beach |
Camera | Lenovo A390 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 21, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Schaueria flavicoma |
Synonym | Justicia flavicoma |
Order/family | Lamiales/Acanthaceae,Subfamily:Acanthoideae, tribe :Justicieae |
Common Name | Brazilian golden plume flower |
Origin/distribution | Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Petpet Caballerro |
Location | Philippines |
Camera | Samsung phone |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | January 31, 2014 |
Reference | Hortipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Dr. RPR |

Plant/flower | Schefflera actinophylla |
Common Name | Umbrella tree, Octopus tree |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | Teacher's Village, Quezon City |
Camera | Canon SX50HS |
Reference | Wiki entry(schefflera_actinophylla) |
Links | Facebook(album)
Acknowledgments | EPA(photo) |

Plant/flower | Schefflera arboricola variegata |
Common Name | Umbrella plant, lima-lima |
Photographer | Petpet Caballerro |
Location | Iloilo |
Camera | Samsung GT S5300 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | January 31, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Buner Bune |

Plant/flower | Schefflera odorata, Schefflera elliptica, Polyscias Odorata |
Common Name | lima-lima, galamai-amo, tagilima, schefflera vine |
Photographer | Benigno Resurreccion |
Location | Cavinti Laguna |
Post Date | June 11, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(general) StuartXchange |
Index no. | 518 |

| Plant/flower | Schismatoglottis wallichii |
Synonym | @synonym |
Order/Family | Alismatales/Araceae |
Common Name | none |
Origin/Distribution | SSoutheast Asia, PNG, Melanesia/cultivated |
Photographer | Tin Flores Pascua |
Location | Tarlac |
Camera | Apple Ipad |
Post Date | December 27, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(general) Swedish Wiki |
Index | 1338 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion |
| Plant/flower | Schizophyllum commune |
Order/Family | Agaricales/Schizophyllaceae |
Common Name | Kudet; kudit; kudkudit; conk fungi |
Origin/Distribution | mexico?/global |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Ballogo, Banotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | July 26, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 672 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Schizostachyum diffusum (Blanco) Merr |
Synonym | Schizostachyum diffusum, Dinochloa diffusa (Blanco) Merr. |
Order/Family | Poales/Poaceae,Subfamily:Bambusoideae,Supertribe:Bambusodae,Tribe:Bambuseae,Subtribe:Melocanninae |
Common Name | bikal |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ivanhoe V. Arcilla |
Location | Virac, Catanduanes |
Camera | Canon 1200D |
Post Date | December 30, 2015 |
Reference | Swedish Wikipedia ThePlantList |
Index | 1352 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Schizostachyum zollingeri Steud. |
Order/Family | Poales/Poaceae, subfamily: bambusoideae, supertribe: Bambusodae, tribe: bambuseae |
Common Name | Buhong dilau |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, asian tropical regions/wildcrafted, cultivated |
Photographer | Evelyne S. Bautista |
Location | Bacolod City |
Camera | Samsung Note 3 |
Post Date | January 11, 2015 |
Reference | Kew Wikipedia |
Index | 970 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID, common name: Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Schlumbergera bridgesii (Lem. Lofgr.) |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae,(sub) Cactoideae, (tribe) Rhipsalideae |
Common Name | crab cactus |
Origin/Distribution | Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Al Ferrer Claud Jr. |
Location | Alijis,Bacolod City, Negros Occidental |
Camera | MyPhone Rio |
Post Date | November 22, 2014 |
Reference | Dave's Garden Wikipedia |
Index | 923 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benny Resurreccion |
This is not the original Xmas cactus.

| Plant/flower | Scolopia luzoninses (Presl) Warb. |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Salicaceae |
Common Name | Aniguai, babaliauin, palutan |
Origin/Distribution | Tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa/wildcrafted, La Union, Pampanga, Bulacan and Rizal |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | July 19, 2015 |
Reference | swedish Wikipedia |
Index | 1253 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea Gaertn. f. |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Malpighiaceae |
Common Name | Nilad, Malysian-Singaporean:chengam, peranakan |
Origin/Distribution | tropical mangroves, forests,India, Sri Lanka, SE Asia, through Malesia, to Australia and New Caledonia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Surigao del Norte |
Camera | GE J1455 |
Post Date | June 8, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1157 |
Links | Facebook |
This plant gave the name to the city of Manila, Philippines, but is not found growing there anymore.

| Plant/flower | Scoparia dulcis Linn., Scoparia grandiflora, Scoparia ternata, Capraria dulcis, and Gratiola micrantha |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Plantaginaceae |
Common Name | goatweed, Licorice Weed, Sweet Broomweed, and Mala-anis (Tag) |
Origin/Distribution | New World/pantropic and pansubtropic |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Fujifil FinePix S4500 and Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | October 13, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 847 |
Links | Facebook |
Wikipedia: The many medicinal uses has lead to overexploitation.

| Plant/flower | Securinega_flexuosa Müll.Arg., flueggia flexuosa |
Order/Family | Acanthaceae/Nelsonioideae |
Common Name | Anislag |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/cultivated, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | UPLB, Los Banos |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | June 27, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1206 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Sedum morganianum |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Crassulaceae |
Common Name | Burro's tail, donkey tail |
Origin/Distribution | Southern Mexico, Honduras/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | October 19. 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 861 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella A. Ancheta |
 | Plant/flower | Seemania sylvatica |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Gesneriaceae |
Common Name | Bolivian sunset |
Origin/Distribution | Peru, Bolivia, northern Argentina, Paraguay, southern Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Bago City |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | April 10, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Seemania) meaningfulvolunteer DC Tropics |
Index | 1083 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Fornerly classified as gloxinia sylvatica.
| Plant/flower | Selaginellia apoda (L.) Spring, lycopodium apoda |
Order/Family | Selaginellales/Selaginellaceae |
Common Name | meadow spikemoss |
Origin/Distribution | eastern US and northeastern Mexico/ cultivated, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Joselito Arreza Vega |
Location | Lowland, Carrascal, Province of Surigao Del Sur |
Camera | Samsung ES73 Digital Camera |
Post Date | May 1, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1122 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
 | Plant/flower | selaginella plana |
Synonym | @synonym |
Order/Family | Selaginellales/Selaginellaceae |
Common Name | Asian spikemosss |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, tropial Asia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | QCMC, Quezon City |
Camera | Olympus VG-110 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Dr-Ernie-Photography Wikipedia |
Index | 1388 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Selaginella tamariscina |
Synonym | See wikipedia reference |
Order/Family | Selaginellales/Selaginellaceae |
Common Name | Resurrection plant, Rose of Jericho, dinosaur plant |
Origin/Distribution | China, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Russia (Siberia),Taiwan, northern Thailand/cultivated |
Photographer | Joseph Patrick Britanico |
Location | Cavite |
Camera | NA |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1383 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Selaginella willdenowii (Desv. ex Poir.) Baker |
Order/Family | Selaginellales/Selaginellaceae |
Common Name | Willdenow's spikemoss, peacock fern |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, SouthEast Asia/ cultivated , wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ernesto P , Adorio |
Location | QCMC, Quezon City |
Camera | Olympus VG-10 |
Post Date | May 2, 2015 |
Reference | AskNature Wikipedia(Selaginella) |
Index | 1121 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID & common name: Benigno S. Resurreccion |

Plant/flower | Senna Alata |
Common Name | Acapulco, andelabra plant, candle bush, candlestick senna, emperor's candlesticks, golden candelabra tree, ringworm bush, Roman candle tree |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | Diliman, Quezon City |
Camera | |
Date | January 20, 2014 |
Reference | dr-ernie-photography Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook

| Plant/flower | Senna occidentalis (L.) Link, Cassia occidentalis L.; Senna occidentalis var sophera (L.) X.Y. Zhu |
Order/Family | |
Common Name | Coffee Senna, balatong aso, ant bush, arsenic bush, negro coffee, Nigerian senna, septicweed, sickle pod, stink weed, stinking pea,styptic weed |
Origin/Distribution | tropical America /pantropical, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Esteban Subd., Pulupandan,Negros occidental |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | Indexed. March 30,2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1052 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Senna Spectabilis Irwin et Barn |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae, subfamily: Caesalpinioideae, tribe: Cassieae, subtribe: Cassiinae |
Common Name | Spectacular cassia, cassia,yellow shower |
Origin/Distribution | tropical America/cultivated |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | Bgy. Minoyan, Murcia, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Nokia C3 |
Post Date | March 20, 2015 |
Reference | Lucid Central Wikipedia |
Index | 1012 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
Can be invasive!

| Plant/flower | Senna tora, Cassia tora |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae-(subfamily)Caesalpinioideae |
Common Name | Sicklepod, Foetic cassia, Katanda, Kamantulan |
Origin/Distribution | South Asia/pantropic |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Fujifilm FinePix S4500 |
Post Date | August 29, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 741 |
Links | Facebook |
There is an ongoing debate whether Senna tora and Senna obtusifolia refers to a single species.

| Plant/flower | Serruria Florida |
Order/Family | Proteales/Proteaceae |
Common Name | Blushing bride, Pride of Franschhoek |
Origin/Distribution | Cape Province, South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | December 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 935 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benny S. Resurreccion, Family: Ela Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Sesbania cannabina (Restz) Poir. |
Synonym | S. aculeata auct., non Poir., Aeschynomene cannabina Retzius; S. australia F. Mueller; S. serica DC. var. glabra Domin.; S. serica DC. var. subsingulifolia Domin. |
Order/Family | Fabales/Leguminosae, subfamily: Fabaceae, tribe: Sesbanieae |
Common Name | Balakbak; yellow peabush,canicha, prickly sesban |
Origin/Distribution | Australia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | FAO |
Index | 1382 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sesbania grandiflora |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae |
Common Name | Kanturay, Gaway-gaway, Agati, scarlet wisteria, Corkwood tree, Hummingbird tree, Swamp pea, Vegetable hummingbird |
Origin/Distribution | Mexico, Central America, introduced to Philippines after WWII/cultivated |
Photographer | Bruner Bune |
Location | NA |
Camera | Na |
Post Date | July 3, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1233 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sesuvium portulacastrum, Portulaca portulacastrum, Trianthema portulacastrum var. hillebrandii |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Aizoaceae |
Common Name | Dampalit, Sea Purselane |
Origin/Distribution | Burma, India, Southeast Asia and Malaysia/cultivated, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Beach area in Malecon and Fishpond in Patic, PulupandanPulupandan |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | November 9, 2014 |
Reference | Native Plants Hawaii Wikipedia |
Index | 919 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Setaria palmifolia (J. Konig) Stapf. |
Order/Family | Poales/Poaceae |
Common Name | Agusais, Palm grass |
Origin/Distribution | temperate and tropical Asia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Davao City |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | January 11, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 967 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Shorea palosapis (Blanco) Merr. |
Order/Family | Malvales/Dipterocarpaceae |
Common Name | Mayapis, White Lauan, Philippine Mahogany |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/threatened |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Maramag, Bukidnon |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | December 27, 2014 |
Reference | IUCN Red List Wikipedia |
Index | 954 |
Links | Facebook |

| | Plant/flower | Sida Acuta |
Order/Family | Malvales/Malvaceae,Malvoideae,Malveae |
Common Name | basbasot, escuba, ualisualisan, broom weed, common wireweed. |
Origin/Distribution | Central America/pantropical |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Bulala, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | September 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 768 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Sida cordifolia |
Common Name | gulipas, bala,country mallow, heart-leaf sida, flannel weed |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Maramag, Bukidnon |
Camera | GE J1556 digicam |
Post Date | June 22, 2014 |
Reference | stuartXhange Wikipedia |
Index | 572 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sida ulmifolia |
Common Name | common wire weed,escoba, escobilla |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Ubbog, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Trend S7392 |
Post Date | June 22, 2014 |
Reference | SpanishWikipedia Inaturalist |
Index | 566 |
Links | Facebook |
the name is a best guess. Other candidates were sida acuta,
sida retusa, sida rhombofolia.
| Plant/flower | Smilax bracteata |
Common Name | Banag; Banagan; Banal; Barag; Kamagsa-obat; Hampas-tigbalang; Kolot-babui; Romas; Sarsaparilla vine |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Champ GT s7392 |
Post Date | June 9, 2014 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Index | 582 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Solandra grandiflora |
Order/Family | Solanaceae/Solandra |
Common Name | chalice vine, cup of gold, |
Origin/Distribution | Americas/cultivated |
Photographer | Elvira Feria |
Location | Kabankalan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | cherry Mobile Flame |
Post Date | August 22, 2014 |
Reference | Entheology |
Index | 725 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Evelyn S. Bautista, Common name (chalice vine): Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Solanum Americanum |
Order/Family | Solanales/Solanaceae |
Common Name | Glossy Nightshade, American black nightshade, American nightshade, black nightshade, common nightshade, garden nightshade, glossy nightshade, nightshade, small-flowered nightshade, small-flowered white nightshade |
Origin/Distribution | tropical Americas, Melanesia, New Guinea, and Australia/pantropical, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan Public Cemetery |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | Indexed. March 25,2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1041 |
Links | Facebook |
Often misnamed as solanum nigrum (deadly nightshade)

Plant/flower | solanum betaceum |
Common Name | tamarillo, tomato tree |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Australia |
Camera | Fujifilm Finepix S4800 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 28, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | solanum biflorum |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Al Claud |
Location | Alijis, Bacolod City |
Camera | Samsungg ES15 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 19, 2013 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | solanum diphyllum |
Common Name | twin-leaf nightshade, tomatillo, amatillo |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | samsung ST-66 |
Post Date | June 18, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 550 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Solanum erianthum, Solanum verbascifolium,Solanum mauritianum |
Order/Family | Solanales/Convolvulaceae |
Common Name | Malatalong, potato tree,talong-aso, tobacco (shade) tree, earleaf nightshade, salvadora |
Origin/Distribution | Southern USA, Northern Central America,Galapagos/nearly pantropic |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Ubbog, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | August 25, 2014 |
Reference | SuartXchange Wikipedia |
Index | 736 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Son Hoang at CDFP |
The fruits are edible if cooked. Otherwise it is use as arrow poison.

 | Plant/flower | Solanum pseudocapsicum L. |
Synonym | Solanum diflorum Vell. |
Order/Family | Solanales/Solanaceae |
Common Name | jerusalem cherry, madeira winter cherry |
Origin/Distribution | Peru, Ecuador/cultivated |
Photographer | Estela Aximar Julayco |
Location | Talisay, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S2700 |
Post Date | February 9, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1393 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | solanum seaforthianum |
Order/Family | Solanales/Solanaceae |
Common Name | Brazilian nightshade |
Origin/Distribution | tropical Ssouth Africa/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla |
Location | Baguio City, Benguet |
Camera | Samsung ES90 |
Post Date | January 11, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 964 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
Invasive poisonous plant.

| Plant/flower | Solanum Torvum |
Common Name | tandang-aso,Devil's fig, Turkey berry, Cherry eggplant, Talong-talongan |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Samsung st66 |
Post Date | June 12, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 519 |
Links | Facebook |
A wild plant growing in an open lot at a subdivision in Pulupandan.the plant looks
like a very tall eggplant(s. melangona) and bears flowers in clusters and the fruits are rounded.
the leaves are sinuate with little curves and wavy smooth edges.

Plant/flower | Solanum tuberosum |
Common Name | Potato, patatas |
Photographer | Alicia Hafalla Bañares |
Location | Baguio, Benguet |
Camera | Canon Powershot SX 150 IS |
Date | January 18, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia ,StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook

| Plant/flower | Solanum wrightii (Benth.), solanum macranthum |
Order/Family | Solanales/Solanaceae |
Common Name | Brazilian potato tree, blue potato tree |
Origin/Distribution | Brazil, Peruvian jungles/cultivated |
Photographer | Ernesto P , Adorio |
Location | QCMC (Quezon City Memorial Circle), Quezon City |
Camera | Fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | June 30, 2015 |
Reference | Keynews Wikipedia |
Index | 1223 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion |

Plant/flower | Solidago gigantea |
Common Name | Goldenrod,Aaron's rod |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 2, 2014 |
Reference | stuartxhange Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Evalyne S. Bautista |
The species in stuartxchange is Solidago virgaurea.

Plant/flower | Sophora tormentosa |
Common Name | tambalisa, necklace pod, silver bush |
Photographer | Deedee Garrido-Granada |
Location | Ilocos Norte |
Camera | Ipad |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 5, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Ressurrecion |
| Plant/flower | Sonneratia Caseolaris |
Order/Family | Lythraceae/Sonneratia |
Common Name | pedada, pagatpat, mangrove apple, Crabapple mangrove |
Origin/Distribution | Topical Asia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ernesto P , Adorio |
Location | University of the Philippines, Subic, Olongapo |
Camera | Fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | April 2, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1060 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Sorbus aucuparia |
Common Name | rowan, mountain ash |
Photographer | Vivian bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 22, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 568 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Spatiphylum clevelandii|Kochii var Mauna Loa |
Common Name | peace lilly |
Photographer | Ner N Nato |
Location | Philippines |
Camera | Fujifilm 12.2Megapixels |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 20, 2014 |
Reference | Blankees.com Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | |

| Plant/flower | Spathiphyllum wallissii |
Order/Family | Alismatales/Araceae, subfamily:Monsteroideae |
Common Name | Peace lily |
Origin/Distribution | American tropics, SouthEast Asia/cultivated |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Australia |
Camera | Canon Powershot AS 620 |
Post Date | November 9, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 213 |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Spathoglottis Spicata |
Common Name | Phil. ground orchid |
Photographer | Susan Estrope Dicker |
Location | Bcolod City |
Camera | Panasonic S3 |
Date | January 24, 2014 |
Reference | EPA blog Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook
| Acknowledgment | |

| Plant/flower | spermacoce ocymoides |
Synonym | @synonym |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Rubiaceae, subfamily: Rubioideae, tribe:Spermacoceae |
Common Name | false buttonweed |
Origin/Distribution | tropics and subtropics/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | QCMC, Quezon City |
Camera | Fujifilm X-T10 |
Post Date | February 6, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1379 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno S. Resurreccion,related: Philip Cruz |
| Plant/flower | Sphagneticola trilobata, Wedelia trilobata |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae-(tribe) Heliantheae |
Common Name | Wedelia, Creeping oxeye, Singapore Daisy, Creeping-oxeye, Trailing Dais |
Origin/Distribution | Central(Mexico) and South America/pantropical, neotropics weed, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | August 29, 2014 |
Reference | SuartXchange Ella Jacildo's album Wikipedia |
Index | 742 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Bernales Jacildo |
spreads vegetatively, listed in IUCN most invasive species

Plant/flower | spondias pinnatum |
Common Name | libas,hogplum,wild mango, indian mombin |
Photographer | Clarence Damasco |
Location | |
Camera | Lenovo A390 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 21, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(spondias) StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Spondias purpurea L. |
Order/Family | Sapindales/Anacardiaceae |
Common Name | Jacote, Red Mombin, Purple Mombin, Hog Plum, Ciruela Huesito (Venezuela), Sineguela, Siriguela, Sineguelas (Tag.), Serguelas (Ilongo) |
Origin/Distribution | Asparagales/Hemerocallidaceae |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Greenbeach, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | April 10, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1087 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Bernales Jacildo |

Plant/flower | Stachytarpheta jamaicensis|Stachytarpheta indica |
Common Name | blue porterweed, Aaron's rod,jamaican vervain, indian snakeweed, nettle leaved vervain, worryvine |
Photographer | Petpet Caballero |
Location | Iloilo |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 6, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Stapelia gigantea |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Apocynaceae |
Common Name | toad plant, carrion plant, starfish flower |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Bgy. Canjusa, Pulupandan |
Camera | samsung ST-66 |
Post Date | July 5, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 598 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Stenochlaena Palustris |
Order/Family | Blechnales/Blechnaceae |
Common Name | Diliman fern |
Origin/Distribution | SouthEast Asia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno Resurreccion |
Location | Panganiban, Camarines Norte |
Camera | GE J1455 |
Post Date | October 28, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(stenochlaena) PinoyTrees |
Index | 895 |
Links | Facebook |
"Reported seen in Pulupandan Negros, Camarines Norte and of course Diliman, Quezon City.

| Plant/flower | sterculia ceramica R. Br |
Synonym | Sterculia luzonica Warb.,Sterculia glabrifolia Merr.,Clompanus Ceramica Kuntze |
Order/Family | Malvales/Malvaceae, subfamily: Sterculioideae |
Common Name | Malakalumpang |
Origin/Distribution | SouthEast Asia, Madagascar/along seashores,wild-crafted |
Photographer | Ivanhoe V. Arcilla |
Location | Brgy Palawig, San Andres, Catanduanes |
Camera | Canon EOS 1200D |
Post Date | September 14, 2015 |
Reference | swedish Wikipedia EOL |
Index | 1305 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Sterculia foetida, linn |
Order/Family | Malvales/Malvaceae |
Common Name | calumpang, Bañgar, evac tree, bastard poon tree, java olive tree, hazel sterculia, wild almond tree. |
Origin/Distribution | ?/Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, United States (Hawaii), Indonesia, Ghana, Australia, Mozambique, Togo |
Photographer | Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla |
Location | Olongapo City, Zambales |
Camera | Samsung WB250F |
Post Date | December 26, 2014 |
Reference | GBFI Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 945 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Sterculia montana Merr., Sterculia cordata Blume var. montana (Merr.) |
Order/Family | Malvales/Malvaceae |
Common Name | Tapinag bundok |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | UPLB (University of the Philippines, Los Banos), Laguna |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | June 11, 2015 |
Reference | PlantList EOL |
Index | 1175 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | strobilanthes dyerianus |
Common Name | Persian shield |
Photographer | Al Ferrer Claud Jr |
Location | Pontevedra |
Camera | Samsung ES15 |
Date | January 20, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook
 | Plant/flower | Stromanthe sanguinea 'Tricolor' |
Order/Family | Zingiberales/Marantaceae |
Common Name | sago-sago, tricolor, triostar |
Origin/Distribution | native to the tropical portions of the central,eastern South America/pantropical |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | Quezon Memorial Circle, Quezon City |
Camera | Samsung WB150F |
Post Date | July 25, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia(general) |
Index | 670 |
Links | Facebook |
Photo taken in 2012!
 | Plant/flower | Stronglogydon macrobotys |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae |
Common Name | tayabak, jade vine, emerald vine |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/wildcrafted |
Photographer | ZP M PC |
Location | ? |
Camera | ? |
Post Date | April 3, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1061 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Strophanthus gratus |
Common Name | roupellia |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Agusan del Norte |
Camera | GE J1455 Digicam |
Post Date | June 18, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 556 |
Links | Facebook |
An poisonous, very invasive exotic liana from west africa.used as an arrow poisson.

Plant/flower | Strophanthus preussii |
Common Name | spider tress, arrow poison vine |
Photographer | Al Ferrer Jr Claud |
Location | |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 15, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID:D. Cabactulan of Cos Digital Flora. |
It looks like a plant from the tacca genus. From the wiki: Medicinal uses of S. preussii include treatment of gonorrhoea and healing of sores.

| Plant/flower | Strychnos nux-vomica L. |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Loganiaceae |
Common Name | Strychnine tree |
Origin/Distribution | Sri Lanka, India, and Burma, southeast Asia/wildcrafted, cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | UPLB, Los Banos, Laguna |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | March 30, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1040 |
Links | Facebook |
Stuart reports that this plant has been introduced into the Philippines. It is grown in the College of Agriculture, UPLB.

| Plant/flower | Suregada multiflorum variegatum (White Leaf) |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Euphorbiaceae, subfamily: Crotonoideae, tribe:Gelonieae |
Common Name | false lime, suregada |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, tropical and subtropical India, Bangladesh, SE Asia/cultivated |
Photographer | Yvonne Mamaril Peralta |
Location | La Union |
Camera | not specified |
Post Date | April 18, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1105 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Suregada multiflorum variegatum (Yellow Leaf) |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Euphorbiaceae, subfamily: Crotonoideae, tribe:Gelonieae |
Common Name | false lime, suregada |
Origin/Distribution | endemic, tropical and subtropical India, Bangladesh, SE Asia/cultivated |
Photographer | Yvonne Mamaril Peralta |
Location | Panicsican, La Union |
Camera | Samsung GT 1300 |
Post Date | April 7, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1067 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Symphorema Luzonica Fern.-Vill., litsea luzonica |
Order/Family | Lamiales/lamiaceae |
Common Name | Pamulaklakin |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Rodriguez, Rizal |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | June 11, 2015 |
Reference | ThePlantList Tropicos |
Index | 1173 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: George C. Yao |
 | Plant/flower | Symphyotrichum ericoides, Aster ericoides |
Order/Family | Asterales/Compositae, tribe: Astereae |
Common Name | white aster, heath aster |
Origin/Distribution | most of the USA, Mexico/pantropic,cultivated |
Photographer | Lulou Caballero |
Location | Panay Island |
Camera | Samsung GT S5300 |
Post Date | October 24, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 876 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

Plant/flower | Symphytum officinale |
Common Name | Comfrey |
Photographer | Petpet Caballero |
Location | Iloilo |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 9, 2014 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn,Verbesina nodiflora L. |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae |
Common Name | cinderella weed, node weed, nodeweed, pig grass, synedrella, cerbatana, |
Origin/Distribution | Caribbean, Southern Mexico to Paraguay,South America/pantropic |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Fujifil FinePix S4500 and Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | October 13, 2014 |
Reference | LucidCentral ARS-GRIN Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 846 |
Links | Facebook |
No entry in StuartXchange?

Plant/flower | Syngonium Podophyllum |
Common Name | arrow leaf, arrowhead vine, goosefoot, syngonium, american evergreen, nephthythis |
Photographer | Ner N. Nato |
Location | Mas Garden, Legazpi City, Albay |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 1, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Image url revised January 15, 2015.

Plant/flower | Synsepalum dulcificum |
Common Name | Miracle berry |
Photographer | Vicky Abay |
Location | Bacolod City |
Camera | |
Date | January 22, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook

Plant/flower | Syzygium Aqueum| malacense |
Common Name | tambis, makopa, water apple |
Photographer | Clarence Damasco |
Location | |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 9, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |


| Plant/flower | Syzygium Calubkob (C.B.Rob.) Merr. |
Synonym | Eugenia calubcob C.B.Rob. |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Myrtaceae, Subfamily:Myrtoideae, Tribe:yzygieae |
Common Name | calubccob |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ivanhoe Arcilla |
Location | Brgy Antipolo del Norte, Virac, Catanduanes |
Camera | Canon D2100 |
Post Date | December 20, 2015 |
Reference | PlantList Wiki[edia(Syzygium) |
Index | 1328 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | (ID and Common Name) Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Syzygium cumini |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=874619712605868&set=gm.851594488211842&type=3&hc_location=ufi |
Common Name | Duhat; lomboy; Java plum, black plum |
Origin/Distribution | India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia/cultivated |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Sony DSC W800 |
Post Date | Decemberr 29, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1343 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Syzygium Malaccense |
Common Name | Macopa |
Photographer | Evelyne S. Bautista |
Location | Bacolod City |
Camera | Ipad Air |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 26, 2014 |
Reference | EPA album Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Stuartxchange shows a photo which is of a tambis.

| Plant/flower | Syzygium polycephaloides |
Order/Family | Rosales/Moraceae |
Common Name | Common Lipote, baligang |
Origin/Distribution | Philippines/wild-crafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Rapu-rapu Island, Albay |
Camera | Nikon L830 |
Post Date | September 7, 2014 |
Reference | PlantList StuartXchange EOL |
Index | 755 |
Links | Facebook |
This is the common Lipote or Baligang (Syzygium polycephaloides (C.B.Rob.) Merr.). S. curanii is Curran's Lipote which is a bit rarer and is already threatened

| Plant/flower | Syzygium trippinatum |
Common Name | Hagis |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | U.P. Diliman, Garden of Native trees |
Camera | fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | June 13, 2014 |
Reference | MySorsogon blog |
Index | 524 |
Links | Facebook |
| Has red sour tasting fruits.
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