| Plant/flower | Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, Dolichos lablab L. |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae |
Common Name | Bataw, parda, hyacinth bean, bonavist bean/pea, dolichos bean, seim bean, lablab bean, Egyptian kidney bean, Indian bean, Australian pea |
Origin/Distribution | African/cultivated in tropical countries |
Photographer | Rosevie B. Fadera |
Location | San Narciso, Zambales |
Camera | Ipad3 |
Post Date | June 30, 2015 |
Reference | SturtXchange Wikipedia |
Index | 1218 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgment | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Lagerstroemia loudoni Teijsm. & Binn. |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Lythraceae |
Common Name | Loudon’s banaba, Salao(Thai) |
Origin/Distribution | Burma , Thailand/cultivated |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | UPLB, College, Laguna |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | October 8, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 824 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Lagerstroemia Speciosa |
Common Name | banaba, queen's flowers,Giant Crape-myrtle, Queen's Crape-myrtle, pride of India |
Photographer | Rey Abad |
Location | Bago Oshiro, Davao City |
Camera | Canon IS 10x zoom |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 20,2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
| Plant/flower | Lampranthus spectabilis |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Aizoaceae |
Common Name | Trailing ice plant in dark pink color |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | May 1, 2015 |
Reference | Delange Wikipedia (General) |
Index | 1131 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |
Other ice plants belong to the genus Aptenia.

Plant/flower | Lansium domesticum var. duku, Lansium domesticum Correa |
Common Name | lansones |
Photographer | Nelyn Tiongson |
Location | Pico de loro, Batangas |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 27, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Lantana camara |
Common Name | Baho-baho, kantutay, wild sage, coronitas |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Rhodes, Greece |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | June 2, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
Invasive, spreads very fast.
Lasianthus attenuatus

| Plant/flower | Lasianthus Attenuatus Jack |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Rubiaceae, subfamily:Rubioideae, trib: Lasiantheae |
Common Name | |
Origin/Distribution | Yunnan, Buthan, Indochina, SouthEash Asia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Marvin Gonzaga |
Location | Eden Toril forest,Davao |
Camera | NA |
Post Date | September 5, 2015 |
Reference | swedish Wikipedia Efloras.org |
Index | 1289 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Jefte Casiño Arshed from CDFP(Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines) |
The plant is poisonous.

| Plant/flower | Laurus nobilis |
Order/Family | Laurales/Lauraceae |
Common Name | Bay leaf, leafbay laurel, sweet bay, bay tree, true laurel, Grecian laurel,laurel tree,laurel |
Origin/Distribution | Mediterranean region/cultivated |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Rosenborg Garden, Copenhagen Denmark. |
Camera | Canon Powershot A620 |
Post Date | September 29, 2014 |
Reference | MarketManila Wikipedia |
Index | 804 |
Links | Facebook |
Bay leaf plants are sold in the Philippines according to MarketManila reference.

| Plant/flower | Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena glauca, mimosa glauca, acacia glauca |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae |
Common Name | ipil-ipil, lead tree, agho, santa elena |
Origin/Distribution | northern central america and southern mexico/pantropic |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 14, 2014 |
Reference | StuartExchange Wikipedia |
Index | 630 |
Links | Facebook |
Dwarf variety.

| Plant/flower | Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena glauca, mimosa glauca, acacia glauca |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae |
Common Name | ipil-ipil, lead tree, agho, santa elena |
Origin/Distribution | northern central america and southern mexico/pantropic |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | Clarkfield, Pampanga |
Camera | Fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | July 18, 2014 |
Reference | StuartExchange wikipedia |
Index | 649 |
Links | Facebook |
These are larger than the dwarf ipil-ipils, but they share the same common name, and there are also giant ipil-ipils,
which can grow taller than 8 meters high. Our specimens in the photo are small trees.

Plant/flower | Leucanthemum Vulgare X superbum |
Common Name | Shasta daisy |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | home garden, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 21, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Leucas lavendulifolia Smith |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Lamiaceae |
Common Name | Karakansoli, salita,Paysi-paysi, Kaskasumba |
Origin/Distribution | native/weedy, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno Resurreccion |
Location | Calaca, Batangas |
Camera | GE J1455 |
Post Date | September 1, 2014 |
Reference | Hear.Org StuartXchange |
Index | 747 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Leucas Zeylanica Smith |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Lamiaceae |
Common Name | Ceylon Slitwort, Guma-guma (Sul.) |
Origin/Distribution | native to India,SouthEast Asia, China/wildcrafted, open grasslands, N.Visaya, Bataan, Panay, Mindanaao, Pulupandan, toprical Asia to Malaya |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Samssung ST-66 |
Post Date | September 6, 2014 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Index | 752 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgment | Peter Pielser |
There's difference in the leaves between L. Zeylanica and L. Lavendulifolia , Z. Zeylanica have sharper teeth than L. Lavendulifolia.

| Plant/flower | Lemna minor |
Common Name | comon duckweed, lesser duckweed |
Photographer | Mario Molave Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Maragayap river, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Champ GT s7392 |
Post Date | June 30, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 584 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgment | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
wikipedia: This plant grows in standing or slow moving waters and can reproduce rapidly. the plant has a sticky root, enabling it to be distributed by attaching to the plummage and feet of ducks and other birds. It has commercial use as a feed for fish and poultry.

| Plant/flower | Leucophyllum frutescens |
Common Name | Barometer plant or Texas Ranger |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | Total gas starion, NLEX, Pampanga |
Camera | fujifilm HS50EXR |
Post Date | June 14, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 536 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Titanium Bluesilver |

| Name | Leucophyllum frutescens, Terania frutescens |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Scrophulariaceae |
Common Name | Texas Sage, Texas Ranger, Texas Rain Sage, Cenizo, Texas Silverleaf, Ash-bush, Wild Lilac, Purple Sage, Senisa, Cenicilla, Palo Cenizo, or Hierba del Cenizo |
Origin/Distribution | Texas of USA and the states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas in northern Mexico/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Nueva Valencia, Guimaras Island. |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | November 8, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 908 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Leucosyke capitellata |
Common Name | Toothscrubber,Isis, Asis, Alagasi |
Photographer | Rey Abad |
Location | Los Amigos, Davao City |
Camera | Canon IS, 10X Optical Zoom |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 3, 2014 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |
A small tree, reaching a height of 2 to 4 meters; its leaves are broad, harsh to touch,like sandpaper. Some generations ago, folks use the leaves (with water & soap) to clean/whiten wooden floors & walls as well as items made of wood like tables, chairs & the like.

Plant/flower | Leea coccinea 'rubra' |
Common Name | red leea, West Indian holly, Hawaiian holly |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Samsung ST-66 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 18, 2014 |
Reference | RareFlora Wikipedia (general) |
Links | Facebook |
Of Burmese origin and with average height of five feet.

| Plant/flower | Leptosermum flavescens |
Common Name | red tea tree, malasulasi,payusos |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Surigao del Norte |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix L830 |
Post Date | June 19, 2014 |
Reference | stuartXhange |
Index | 559 |
Links | Facebook |
benny: Only found in lateritic areas of Mindanao. It is a so-called metallophyte, specifically a Nickel-hyperaccumulator. Some locals use the smaller Malasulasi tree as Xmas tree during Yuletide.

Plant/flower | Lilium tigrinum |
Common Name | Tiger lily orchid |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | @date |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | licuala grandis |
Common Name | Ruffled fan palm, vanuatu fan palm, palas palm |
Photographer | Estela Estela Aximar Julayco |
Location | Talisay, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S2700 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 16, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Art Claud |
Native to Vanuatu

| Plant/flower | Lindernia crustacea (Linn) F. Muell, Capraria crustacea Linn., Torenia paniculata Blanco, Vandellia crustacea Benth. |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Linderniaceae |
Common Name | Malaysian False Pimpernel, Brittle False Pimpernel, Round Fruited Lindernia |
Origin/Distribution | Tropical asia and pacific islands/pantropic weed |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan |
Camera | Fujifilm FinePix S4500 |
Post Date | August 29, 2014 |
Reference | StuartXchange |
Index | 740 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Lindernia diffusa (L.) Wettst, Vandellia diffusa L. |
Order/Family | Scrophulariales/Scrophulariaceae(figwort), |
Common Name | Spreading False Pimpernel |
Origin/Distribution | Madagascar, Africa, New World? /pantropic |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | October 10, 2014 |
Reference | Prota theplantlist |
Index | 835 |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Liparis condylobulbon |
Common Name | tapered shinx orchid |
Photographer | Alicia Hafalla Bañares |
Location | Baguio City |
Camera | Powershot SX150 IS |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 8, 2014 |
Reference | CommonsWikimedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Litsea glutinosa, litsea sebifera |
Common Name | Lauat, sablot, indian laurel, pond spice |
Photographer | Mario Molavee Maravilla Delmendo |
Location | Quirino, Bacnotan, La Union |
Camera | Samsung Champ GT C3303i |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 16, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Litsea perrottetii (Blume) F.-Vill., Tetranthera perrottetii Blume |
Order/Family | Laurales/Lauraceae |
Common Name | Marang |
Origin/Distribution | endemic/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Benigno S. Resurreccion |
Location | Valencia, Bukidnon |
Camera | GE J1455 |
Post Date | September 19, 2014 |
Reference | EOL |
Index | 785 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Livistonia chinensis |
Order/Family | Arecales/Arecaceae |
Common Name | Chinese fan palm |
Origin/Distribution | Souther Japan,Taiwan,Ryukyu Islands, Guangdong/subtropical, cultivated, wild-crafted |
Photographer | Bruner Bune |
Location | Al Othman Village,Al Khobar KSA |
Camera | Lenovo A361 cam |
Post Date | November 1,2014 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 899 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Livistona rotundifolia |
Common Name | anahaw |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany, Philippines |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook
Acknowledgments | BB(photo) |

Plant/flower | Loropetalum chinensis |
Common Name | Fringe Flower', 'Chinese Witchhazel, strapflowers |
Photographer | Ernesto Adorio |
Location | QCMC |
Camera | Canon SX50HS |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 16, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G. Don), Jusseaea hyssopifolia, Ludwigia micrantha (Kunze) Hara |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Onagraceae |
Common Name | Seedbox, Linear-leaf water primrose |
Origin/Distribution | Tropical America/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Pulupandan, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | October 10, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(ludwigia) IRRI |
Index | 830 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Luffa Acutangula |
Common Name | patola, angled luffa, Chinese okra, dish cloth gourd, ridged gourd, sponge gourd, vegetable gourd, strainer vine, ribbed loofah, silky gourd, ridged gourd, silk gourd |
Photographer | Ernesto P. Adorio |
Location | Philcoa |
Camera | Olympus VG-110 |
Date | January 18, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia ,StuartXchange |
Links | Facebook
Lumnitzera racemosa

| Plant/flower | lumnitzera racemosa Willd. |
Synonym | Petaloma alba Blanco |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Combretaceae |
Common Name | Kulasi, tabau, white flowered mangrove |
Origin/Distribution | East Africa to the Western Pacific (including Fiji and Tonga),Northern Australia/wild-crafted |
Photographer | Ella Bernales Jacildo |
Location | Bantayan Park, Bago City, Negros Occidental |
Camera | Samsung ST66 |
Post Date | Swptember 7, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1301 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Lycium barbarum |
Order/Family | Solanales/Solanaceae |
Common Name | Goji berry,boxthorn, barbary matrimony vine, Duke of Argyll's tea tree,red medlar |
Origin/Distribution | southeastern Europe and Asia/culstivated |
Photographer | Ella A. Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | August 31, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1280 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Lygonium japonicum(Thunb.) Sw. |
Order/Family | Schizaeales/Lygodiaceae |
Common Name | nito, Japanese climbing fern |
Origin/Distribution | East Asia (Japan, Korea), SouthEast Asia, India, Eastern Australia/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Lola Let |
Location | Jordan, Guimaras |
Camera | Sony Cyber Shot DSC-G3 |
Post Date | June 26, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia StuartXchange |
Index | 1201 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resurreccion |
Stuartxchange: Nito is a common name for the related lygonium circinnatum, which has slender elongated leaves.
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