| Plant/flower | Aechmea Wikleri Reitz |
Order/Family | Poales/Bromeliaceae, subfamily: Bromelioideae |
Common Name | |
Origin/Distribution | Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Gotheburg, Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 26, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1204 |
Links | Facebook |
We temporarily put this entry in the Around the world page, until we see this growing in the Philippines.

| Plant/flower | Aeschynanthus lobbianus |
Synonym | A. radicans |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Gesneriaceae |
Common Name | lipstick plant |
Origin/Distribution | subtopical/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Gesneriads Wikipedia(Aeschynanthus) |
Index | 1367 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Family:Greg Rule |
A. javanica is one suggested name. Philippines has native gesneriad species.

| Plant/flower | Alchemilla mollis |
Order/Family | Rosales/Rosaceae |
Common Name | Lady's Mantle |
Origin/Distribution | Souther Europe/cultivated |
Photographer | Antonio Alisla Jr. |
Location | Guildford, Surrey UK |
Camera | Samsung ST150F |
Post Date | June 17, 2015 |
Reference | RHS Wikipedia |
Index | 1182 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | aesulus x carnea briotii |
Order/Family | Sapindales/Sapindaceae |
Common Name | Red Horse chestnut tree, red conker tree |
Origin/Distribution | Unknown, first appeared in Germany before 1820/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | June 20, 2015 |
Reference | UK Ornamental Trees Wikipedia |
Index | 1189 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella A. Ancheta, Benny Ressurreccion |
An initial ID was Castanea mollisima, Chinese chestnut tree.
Wiki: artificial hybrid between A. pavia (red buckeye) and A. hippocastanum (horse-chestnut).

| Plant/flower | Agapetes Incurvata |
Common Name | agapetes |
Photographer | Vivian bvivian |
Location | Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 18, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia EOL |
Index | 549 |
Links | Facebook |
from EOL: Natural setting is in west Asia and china including but not limited to
Bangladesh, Bhutan, NE India, E Nepal, Sikkim.

Plant/flower | Agave victoriae-reginae |
Common Name | Queen Victoria agave, royal agave |
Photographer | Vivian BVivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon d3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Endemic to Namibia

| Plant/flower | Aloe cryptopoda, Aloe wickensii |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Xanthorrhoeaceae, subfamily:Asphodeloideae |
Common Name | Yellow Aloe |
Origin/Distribution | Southern Africa, Swaziland/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | July 2, 2015 |
Reference | PlantsZAfrica |
Index | 1232 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Aloe elegans |
Synonym | Aloe abyssinica, Aloe aethiopica, |
Order/Family | Asparagales/(Xanthorrhoeaceae), subfamily: Asphodeloideae (Asphodeloideae) |
Common Name | |
Origin/Distribution | Eritrea, Ethiopia/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 10, 2016 |
Reference | German Wikipedia |
Index | 1393 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Aloe maculata, aloe saponaria |
Common Name | soap aloe, zebra aloe |
Photographer | Viva Bvivian |
Location | Botanico Jarden Malaga Spain |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 14,2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Of South African origin

Plant/flower | Aloe marlothii |
Common Name | mountain aloe, flat-flowered aloe |
Photographer | Vivian BVivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon d3000 |
Photo Date | March 4, 2014 |
Post Date | April 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Aloe Melanacantha Erinacea |
Common Name | aloe |
Photographer | Vivian BVivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon d3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Endemic to Namibia

| Plant/flower | Aloe succotrina |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Xanthorrhoeaceae, subfamily: Asphodeloideae |
Common Name | fynbos aloe |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1369 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Allium giganteum |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Amaryllidaceae |
Common Name | giant onion |
Origin/Distribution | Asia/global |
Photographer | Timthy Thornton |
Location | Denmark |
Camera | Canon Powershot AS 620 |
Post Date | August 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 727 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Anemone coronaria |
Order/Family | Ranunculales/Ranunculaceae |
Common Name | poppy anemone, Spanish marigold |
Origin/Distribution | Mediterranean region/wildcrafted, cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | March 29, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Borago) |
Index | 1035 |
Links | Facebook |
Unless photos of a. clarinervium growing in the Philippines show up, this entry remains in Around the World.
| Plant/flower | Antirhinuum majus 'Coronette series' L. |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Plantaginaceae,tribe:Antirrhineae |
Common Name | dragon flowers, snapdragons |
Origin/Distribution | rocky areas of Europe, the United States, and North Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Antonio Alisla Jr. |
Location | Guildford, Surrey UK |
Camera | Samsung ST150F |
Post Date | @pdate |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1235 |
Links | Facebook |
| Plant/flower | Aquilegia chrysantha |
Order/Family | Ranunculales/Ranunculaceae |
Common Name | Golden columbine |
Origin/Distribution | southern Utah to Texas and northwestern Mexico/cutivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | May 1, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1124 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Ariocarpus fissuratus (Backb. & Kilian) Voldan, Ariocarpus fissuratus var intermedius |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae |
Common Name | living rock, false peyote, chautle |
Origin/Distribution | Mexico,Texas/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 19, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia Cactus Art |
Index | 1185 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Arpophyllum giganteum |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 2, 2014 |
Reference | OrchidsWikia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Asclepias tuberosa |
Order/Family | https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=848506591877501&set=gm.824806190890672&type=1 |
Common Name | butterfly milkweed |
Origin/Distribution | Westeern America/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Yellostone National Park, USA |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | March 21, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1017 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ela Anceheta |

Plant/flower | Azalea "red sunset" |
Common Name | red sunset azalea |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 26, 2014 |
Reference | OnlinePlantGuide Wiipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Begonia boliviensis |
Order/Family | Cucurbitales/Begoniaceae |
Common Name | bonfire begonia, bellfire begonia, bolivian begonia bolivian mountain begonia |
Origin/Distribution | Bolivian Andes/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 19, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1186 |
Links | Facebook |
Used as parent stock for other begonia hybrids.

| Plant/flower | Begonia brevirimosa subsp. exotica. |
Order/Family | Cucurbitales/Begoniaceae |
Common Name | begonia |
Origin/Distribution | New Guinea/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | August 2, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(General) StrangeWonderfulThings |
Index | 709 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Geanus: Benigno Resurreccion |

Plant/flower | Begonia X Hiemalis |
Common Name | red/orange begonias |
Photographer | Vivian BVivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon d3000 |
Photo Date | March 4, 2014 |
Post Date | April 12, 2014 |
Reference | Hortipedia.com |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Brassica oleracea var gongylodes |
Order/Family | Brassicales/Brassicaceae |
Common Name | kohlrabi,kohl-rabi, german turnip, stout cabbage |
Origin/Distribution | Europe/German areas, Northern India(Kashmir), cultivated elsewhere |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | September 1, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 744 |
Links | Facebook |
Wiki: Brassica oleracea has been bred into a wide range of cultivars, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, savoy, kohlrabi and Chinese kale. Wild cultivars
are called wild mustards.

Plant/flower | Brighamia Insignis |
Common Name | Cabbage on a stick |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 27, 2014 |
Reference | TropicalPlant FloraOfSingapore |
Links | Facebook |
Critically endangered in its native habitat of Hawaii.
 | Plant/flower | Brugmansia sanguinea |
Synonym | Datura sanguinea Ruiz & Pav., Brugmansia bicolor Pers., Brugmansia lutea Hort. ex Gard. Chron. |
Order/Family | Solanales/Solanaceae,subfamily: Solanoideae, tribe:Datureae |
Common Name | red angel's trumpet |
Origin/Distribution | Andes mountain range/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nion D3000 |
Post Date | February 7, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1365 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID:Ella A. Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Calathea cylindrica, calathea grandifolia |
Order/Family | Zingiberales/Marantaceae |
Common Name | green ice |
Origin/Distribution | Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | November 21, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Calathea) |
Index | 921 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Campanula portenschlagiana ("Sweet Mee") |
Common Name | campanula, little bell flower |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3200 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 2, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Canistrum aurantiacum. |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 15, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Clematis armandii |
Order/Family | Ranunculales/Ranunculaceae |
Common Name | Armand clematis or evergreen clematis |
Origin/Distribution | China, Northern Burma/cultivated |
Photographer | Antonio Alisla Jr. |
Location | Guildford, Surrey UK |
Camera | Samsung ST150F |
Post Date | @pdate |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1275 |
Links | Facebook |
Clematis montana

| Plant/flower | Clematis Montana |
Synonym | Anemone curta Wall., C. chrysocoma var. glabrescens H.F.Comber, C. insularialpina Hayata, C. kuntziana H.Lév. & Vaniot, C. spooneri var. subglabra S.Y.Hu |
Order/Family | Ranunculales/Ranunculaceae, tribe: Anemoneae |
Common Name | Himalayan Clematis, Anemone Clematis |
Origin/Distribution | Mountain areas of Afghanistan to Taiwan/cultivated |
Photographer | Antonio Alisla Jr. |
Location | Guildford, Surrey UK |
Camera | Samsung ST150F |
Post Date | @pdate |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1295 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Chrysanthemum Pom Pom Athos Green |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae |
Common Name | spray pompoms |
Origin/Distribution | (general) China/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | June 8, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia (General) |
Index | 1158 |
Links | Facebook |
The name is a trade name.

| Plant/flower | Chrysanthemum x morifolium |
Order/Family | Cornales/Hydrangeaceae |
Common Name | Spoon or quill flowers |
Origin/Distribution | Southern and Eastern Asia, Americas/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Göteburg, Sweden |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Post Date | October 10. 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 832 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID(Sciname): Ella Ancheta,(Common name); Buner Brune |

| Plant/flower | centaurea dealbata |
Common Name | knapweed |
Photographer | Vivian bvivian |
Location | Göteborg, Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 18, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 551 |
Links | Facebook |
Native to the caucassus mountains.

| Plant/flower | Clarkia amoena (Lehm.) A.Nels. & J.F.Macbr |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Onagraceae |
Common Name | Farewell to spring, godetia, summer’s darling, herald of summer, atlas flower, lovely farewell to spring, Rocky Mountain garland flower, satin Flower , red ribbons, fairy fan |
Origin/Distribution | Western North America/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 19, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia USDA |
Index | 1187 |
Links | Facebook |
Clarkia amoena subsp. whitneyi (Whitney's farewell to spring)

| | Plant/flower | clivia miniata |
Common Name | Kaffir lily, bush lily, St John’s lily, fire lily |
Photographer | Vivian bvivian |
Location | Australia |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 18, 2014 |
Reference | PlantingFlowerBulbs wikipedia |
Index | 553 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis |
Common Name | Buddha' hand, bushukan, fingered citron |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 3, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Commelina coelistis |
Order/Family | Commelinales/Commelinaceae |
Common Name | dayflower, blue spider |
Origin/Distribution | unknown/Europe, northeastern America |
Photographer | Vivian B Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | |
Post Date | July 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(general) |
Index | 622 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Copiapoa humilis,hypogaea syn. C. borguitensis |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/cactaceae |
Common Name | Humildito(spanish) |
Origin/Distribution | Chile/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Malaga, spain |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | January 11, 2015 |
Reference | IUCN |
Index | 971 |
Links | Facebook |
classified as near-threatened in native habitat.

| Plant/flower | Cornus controversa 'Variegatus' |
Order/Family | Cornales/Cornaceae |
Common Name | wedding cake tree |
Origin/Distribution | China, the Himalayas and Japan/cultivated in temperate regions |
Photographer | Antonio Alisla Jr. |
Location | Guildford, Surrey UK |
Camera | Samsung ST150F |
Post Date | June 17, 2015 |
Reference | RHS Wikiepdia |
Index | 1183 |
Links | Facebook, More photos |

| Plant/flower | Cotinus coggygria 'Ancot' or 'Golden Spirit' Scop. |
Order/Family | Sapindales/Anacardiaceae |
Common Name | Golden Smoke bush |
Origin/Distribution | southern Europe, eastern central Asia, the Himalayas, northern China/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 21, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1195 |
Links | Facebook |
| Plant/flower | Cotinus coggygria 'Purpureus' Scop. |
Order/Family | Sapindales/Anacardiaceae |
Common Name | Purple Smoke Tree, Eurasian smoke tree |
Origin/Distribution | southern Europe, eastern central Asia, the Himalayas, northern China/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 21, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1194 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Cotyledon_orbiculata |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Crassulaceae |
Common Name | pig's ear,round-leafed navel-wort |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | October 24, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 873 |
Links | Facebook |
The name is a best guess, and may be subject to change.

| Plant/flower | Crassula ‘Buddha’s Temple’ |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Crassulaceae |
Common Name | Buddha’s Temple |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | July 2, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia)Crassula) |
Index | 1230 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: |

| Plant/flower | Curcuma alismata Gagnep., Hitcheniopsis alismatifolia (Gagnep.) Loes. in H.G.A.Engler |
Order/Family | Zingiberales/Zingiberaceae |
Common Name | pink Siam tulip |
Origin/Distribution | Thailand, Cambodia/cultivated |
Photographer | Dinah Canada |
Location | Illinois, USA |
Camera | Iphone |
Post Date | July 7, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1238 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Dinah Canada |

Plant/flower | Cyclamen persicum |
Common Name | cyclamen |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 2, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Cyclamen sp |
Common Name | Cyclamen |
Photographer | |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 14, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Cylindropuntia imbricata |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae |
Common Name | Cane cholla, walking stick cholla,tree cholla ,chainlink cactus |
Origin/Distribution | Africa |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | New Mexico U.S.A |
Camera | Fujifilm FinePix J100 |
Post Date | April 17, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1101 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Ella Ancheta |
| Plant/flower | Cylindropuntia_spinosior |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae |
Common Name | cane cholla, spiny cholla, walkingstick cactus, (Aust)snake cactus |
Origin/Distribution | Arizona and New Mexico, USA, Chihuahua and Sonora Mexico/cultivated, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Bruner Bune |
Location | KSA |
Camera | Lenovo phone camera |
Post Date | July 29, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia |
Index | 893 |
Links | Facebook |
Has become a noxious weed in NSW, Australia.

Plant/flower | Dahlia (Dinnerplate) ``Bilbao`` |
Common Name | dahlia |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Location | Germany |
Post Date | June 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia EdenBrothers |
Index no. | 509 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb.,Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood', Potentilla dahurica 'Abbotswood' |
Order/Family | Rosales/Rosaceae, subfamily: Rosoideae |
Common Name | shrubby potentilla,shrubby cinquefoil 'Abbotswood' |
Origin/Distribution | Nothern latitudes/cultivated |
Photographer | Antonio Alisla Jr. |
Location | Guildford, Surrey UK |
Camera | Samsung ST150F |
Post Date | @pdate |
Reference | RHS Wikipedia |
Index | 1203 |
Links | Facebook |
There are two species with "Abbotswood", p. cineria and p. fruticosa. Generally they have large white flowers and bluish green foliage.
Plant/flower | Dierama pulcherrimum |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Iridaceae |
Common Name | Fairy wand, Wandflower, hairbells, fairybells, wandflowers |
Origin/Distribution | Southern Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 17, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1181 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Disa Elwesii |
Order/Family | Orchidaceae/Orchidoideae |
Common Name | disa orchid |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | October 9, 2014 |
Reference | Zipcodezoo Wikipedia Cyclopedia Gardening Horticulture |
Index | 825 |
Links | Facebook |
A terrestial orchid of south african origin.

Plant/flower | Dorstenia barteri ,Hijman |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 17, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Echeveria agavoides |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Crassulaceae |
Common Name | Firecracker Echeveria, Firecracker Plant, Hen and Chicks, Mexican firecracker |
Origin/Distribution | rocky areas of Mexico, notably the states of San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Guanajuato and Durango |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | April 17, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1102 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta, Genus: Benigno Resureccion |

| Plant/flower | Echeveria agavoides(green) |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Crassulaceae |
Common Name | Firecracker Echeveria, Firecracker Plant, Hen and Chicks, Mexican firecracker |
Origin/Distribution | rocky areas of Mexico, notably the states of San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Guanajuato and Durango |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | April 17, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1103 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta, Genus: Benigno Resureccion |

| Plant/flower | Echeveria setosa |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Crassulaceae |
Common Name | Firecracker Echeveria, Firecracker Plant, Hen and Chicks, Mexican firecracker |
Origin/Distribution | Mexico/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | December 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 936 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benny S. Resurreccion |

| Plant/flower | Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae, tribe: Heliantheae |
Common Name | Purple Coneflower |
Origin/Distribution | North America/wild-crafted, cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | July 19, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1251 |
Links | Facebook |
Popular healing herb for relieving colds.

| Plant/flower | Echinocereus Viereckii |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian B Vivian |
Location | Botanical garden, Goteborg Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 6, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(german) |
Index | 600 |
Links | Facebook |
german wikipedia: Natural range is in the Mexican states of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas.The plant was first described
in 1934 by Erich Werdermann .

| Plant/flower | Elegia capensis |
Order/Family | Poales/Restionaceae |
Common Name | Horsetail Restio |
Origin/Distribution | endemic to Cape province, South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | March 30, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(General) Plant ZAfrica |
Index | 1049 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Ensete lasiocarpum, Musella Lasiocarpa, Musella splendida |
Order/Family | Zingiberales/Musaceae |
Common Name | Golden Lotus banana,Chinese yellow banana, chinese dwarf banana |
Origin/Distribution | Yunnan, China/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Botanic garden Erlangen Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 28, 2014 |
Reference | Bananas.org Wikipedia |
Index | 679 |
Links | Facebook |
No photo of banana plant growing in the Philippines. Extinct in the wild!

Plant/flower | Ephedra virides |
Common Name | Mormon Tea |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Hovenweep U.S.A. |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 26, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia LasPilitas |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | erica leucotrachela |
Synonym | winter heather |
Order/Family | Ericales/Ericaceae, subfamily:Ericoideae |
Common Name | erica |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Erica) PlantzAfrica |
Index | 1375 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella A. Ancheta |
| Plant/flower | Eryngium Giganteum |
Order/Family | Apiales/Apiaceae |
Common Name | Miss Willmott's Ghost |
Origin/Distribution | Caucassus, Iran/in gardens worldwide |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 663 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Eucumis Automnalis |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Asparagaceae |
Common Name | Autumn pineapple lily, pineapple flower |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated, not in Philippines |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 30, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 704 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Euonymus hamiltonianus |
Order/Family | Celastrales/Celastraceae |
Common Name | winter glory, spindle tree |
Origin/Distribution | Native to Asia/distributed in Afghanistan, Russia, China, Japan, Korea, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Burma, garden-cutivated in other parts of the world |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | September 14, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia The PlantList.Org |
Index | 751 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Euphorbia ammak ‘Variegata’ Schweinf. |
Synonym | None |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Euphorbiaceae |
Common Name | Golden Candelabra, Ghost Euphorbia |
Origin/Distribution | Saudi Arabia, Yemen/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella A. Ancheta |
Location | Mission San Juan Capistrano, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1378 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Euphorbia lactea |
Common Name | false cactus, candelabra plant, milkstripe plant |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Location | Germany |
Post Date | June 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index no. | 512 |

| Plant/flower | Faucaria tigrina |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Aizoaceae |
Common Name | Tiger's Jaw succulent |
Origin/Distribution | Cape Province and Karoo desert of South Africa/subtropical cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | November 1, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 898 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ela Ella A. Ancheta |
| Plant/flower | ficus carica |
Order/Family | Rosales/Moraceae |
Common Name | common fig |
Origin/Distribution | Middle East, western Asia/temperate regions |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Ven Island, Sweden |
Camera | Canon 640 |
Post Date | July 11, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(common fig) PythoImages |
Index | 620 |
Links | Facebook |
Photos at PythoImages show figs growing in Spain.

| Plant/flower | Gazania rigens (L.) Gaertn. |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae |
Common Name | treasure flower |
Origin/Distribution | Southern Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Izmir Turkey |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | July 4, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1236 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Geranium himalayense 'Plenum' |
Order/Family | Geraniales/Geraniaceae |
Common Name | Cranesbill Geranium, Birch's Double Geranium |
Origin/Distribution | Himalayas, parts of Russia and western China/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | July 25, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia(geranium) VanMeuwen |
Index | 1262 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Glandularis canadensis| verbena canadensis |
Common Name | verbena |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 4, 2014 |
Reference | Missouri Botanical Garden Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Goethea Strictiflora, Goethea cauliflora |
Order/Family | Malvales/Malvaceae |
Common Name | geothea |
Origin/Distribution | Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 29, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Goethea) |
Index | 693 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Grevillea Thelemanniana |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | Proteales/Proteaceae |
Common Name | Spider-net Grevillea or Hummingbird bush |
Origin/Distribution | Western Australia/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1372 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Haworthia laeta M. Hayashi |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Xanthorrhoeaceae, Subfamily:Asphodeloideae |
Common Name | |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | swedish Wikipedia ThePlantList Wikipedia (haworthia) |
Index | 1370 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Helleborus Orientalis) |
Common Name | White spotted lady |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 16, 2014 |
Reference | Finegardening.com Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Hoya Kerrii Craib. |
Synonym | Hoya obovata var. kerrii (Craib) Costantin |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Apocynaceae, subfamily:Asclepiadoideae,tribe:Marsdenieae |
Common Name | heart cactus |
Origin/Distribution | South China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand,Java/cultivated |
Photographer | Jenny Weiß |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Samsung S5 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1368 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Impatiens niamniamensis |
Common Name | Congo Cockatoo/Parrot Flower/ African Parrot Balsam |
Photographer | Vivian bvivian |
Location | Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 18, 2014 |
Reference | IEWF.org strangeWonderfulThings |
Index | 555 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Derek Cabactulan |
An exotic from west africa.

| Plant/flower | Juniperus squamata 'Blue Star' |
Order/Family | Pinales/Cupressaceae |
Common Name | Martha Washington Geraniums |
Origin/Distribution | Himalayas,China/cultivated |
Photographer | Ma-Ann M. Agraviador |
Location | New Jersey |
Camera | Ipad Air |
Post Date | October 18, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 860 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |

Plant/flower | Kalanchoe beharensis |
Common Name | elephant's ear kalanchoe, feltbush |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikn D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 27, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Kigelia Africana |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Bignoniaceae |
Common Name | Sausage Tree |
Origin/Distribution | tropical Africa from Eritrea and Chad south to northern South Africa, and west to Senegal and Namibia/cultivated |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Queensland, Australia |
Camera | Samsung Tab 4 |
Post Date | July 5, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1237 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Kniphofia uvaria |
Common Name | Red hot poker, torch lily, tritoma |
Photographer | Vivian BVivian |
Location | Munnich,Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 11, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Kniphopfia flamenco, Kniphofia uvaria 'Flamenco |
Common Name | red hot poker, torch lily |
Photographer | Vivian bvivian |
Location | Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 19, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(Uvaria) strangeWonderfulThings |
Index | 557 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Kniphofia rooperi |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Xanthorrhoeaceae |
Common Name | Red hot poker, tritoma, red hot poker, torch lily, knofflers, poker plant |
Origin/Distribution | Cape province, South Africa/cultivated, not in Philippines |
Photographer | Penny Quilter |
Location | |
Camera | |
Post Date | |
Reference | |
Index | 700 |
Links | Facebook |
Need to find the later photo by Vivian. This will be changed in the near future.

Plant/flower | Kohleria Hirsuta |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 16, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
| Plant/flower | Lamprocapnos spectabilis (L.) Fukuhara, Dicentra spectabilis |
Order/Family | Ranunculales/Papaveraceae, subfamily:Fumarioideae, tribe: Fumarieae, subtribe: Corydalinae |
Common Name | Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's breeches, Lady in a bath |
Origin/Distribution | Siberia, China, Japan and Korea/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | April 24, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1115 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Leuchten principis Hook. |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae,subfamily:Cactoideae |
Common Name | agave cactus, prism cactus |
Origin/Distribution | north-central Mexico /cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 2, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1231 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: |

Plant/flower | Leucojum aestivum |
Common Name | spring snowflower |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Leucospermum tottum |
Order/Family | Proteales/Proteaceae |
Common Name | ribbon pincushionr |
Origin/Distribution | Zimbabwe and South Aftica/culitivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | December 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 937 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Genus: Ella Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Linum grandiflorum |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/ Linaceae |
Common Name | scalet flax, red flax, crimson flax |
Photographer | Vivian B Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | July 6, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 602 |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Lunaria annua |
Common Name | Money Plant. Honesty.Lunaria |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | home garden in Munich, Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | June 8, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Mammillaria halei |
Order/Family | Caryophyllales/Cactaceae |
Common Name | pig's ear,round-leafed navel-wort |
Origin/Distribution | baja california/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | October 24, 2014 |
Reference | German Wikipedia Mammilarias.net |
Index | 877 |
Links | Facebook |
Listed as vulnerable.
The name is a best guess, and may be subject to change.
Plant/flower | Mammillaria formosa|chionocephala) |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Munnich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 26, 2014 |
Reference | Cactus-Art.biz es.wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| |
Plant/flower | Manettia luteo-rubra |
Common Name | firecracker vine |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 16, 2014 |
Reference | es.wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Magnolia sieboldii |
Order/Family | Magnoliales/Magnoliaceae |
Common Name | Oyama Magnolia |
Origin/Distribution | East Asia, Japan/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Göteborg Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | September 28, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 803 |
Links | Facebook |
Wikipedia: Siebold's Magnolia is the national flower of North Korea.
 | Plant/flower | Malus × moerlandsii Door. 'profusion' |
Order/Family | Rosales/Rosaceae |
Common Name | Profusion crabapple |
Origin/Distribution | temperate northern latitude zones/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | July 15, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1247 |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Megaskepasma erythrochlamys |
Common Name | Brazilian red-cloak |
Photographer | Timothy Hutton |
Location | Howard, Australia |
Camera | Fujifilm Finepix S4000 |
Photo Date | March 4, 2014 |
Post Date | April 13, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Melaleuca lanceolata |
Common Name | Black Paperbark, Moonah, Rottnest Island Tea tree,Western Black Tea tree |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D300 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 3, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Native to Australia.

| Plant/flower | Melaleuca quinquenervia |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Myrtaceae |
Common Name | Broad leaved paperbark, paperbark tea tree |
Origin/Distribution | endemic to New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea and coastal eastern Australia/cultivated, wildcrafted |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | April 18, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1108 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Benigno Resureccion |
wiki: Melaleuca quinquenervia has been classified as a noxious weed in six US states (Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Texas), as well as federally.

| Plant/flower | Miltonia spectabilis |
Order/Family | Orchidaceae, Subfamily: Epidendroideae,Tribe:Maxillarieae, subtribe: Oncidiinae,alliance:Oncidium |
Common Name | dancing lady miltonia, red night orchid |
Origin/Distribution | extreme eastern Brazil/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | April 17, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1068 |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Muscari Armeniacum |
Common Name | grape hyacinth,baby's breath, blue bells |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 28, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Ornithogalum dubium |
Common Name | Star of Bethlehem, sun star |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 26, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | papaver orientale |
Common Name | oriental poppy |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 18, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Pelargonium x domesticum 'Gloria Pearce' |
Order/Family | Geraniales/Geraniaceae |
Common Name | Regal Pelargonium, Martha Washington Geranium |
Origin/Distribution | Southern Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | July 25, 2015 |
Reference | Skud Wikipedia |
Index | 1261 |
Links | Facebook |
Cultured from Pelargonium capitatum and cucullatum, fulgidum, grandiflorum and other species.
| Plant/flower | Peony Lactiflora, cultivar Avis Varner |
Family | Paeoniaceae |
Common Name | red peony |
Photographer | Vivian B Vivian |
Location | Munich germany |
Camera | Nion D3000 |
Post Date | July 3, 2014 |
Reference | wikipedia(general) Peonyshop.com |
Index | 590 |
Links | Facebook |
wikipedia: The range is Asia, Southern Europe and Western North America.

| Plant/flower | Peperonia sandersii |
Synonym | Peperomia_argyreia (Miq.) Morr. |
Order/Family | Piperales/Piperaceae |
Common Name | Watermelon Peperomia or Watermelon Begonia |
Origin/Distribution | Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1377 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID and common name: Benigno Resurreccion , synonym: Nancita Fugaban Puntawe |
| Plant/flower | Pinguicula agnata |
Order/Family | Lamiales/Lentibulariaceae |
Common Name | Tropical Butterwort |
Origin/Distribution | Hidalgo, Mexico |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | April 20, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1113 |
Links | Facebook |
Ella: A carnivorous plant species, attracts and eats small insects from other house plants.

Plant/flower | Primula malacoide |
Common Name | Fairy primrose |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Photo Date | March 21, 2014 |
Post Date | March 22, 2014 |
Reference | Hortipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Primula x |
Common Name | Primula |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 15, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Protea cyanaroides |
Common Name | giant protea, honeypot, king sugar bush |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Location | Germany |
Post Date | June 12, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index no. | 515 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Pyrus communis L. |
Order/Family | Rosales/Rosaceae |
Common Name | European Pear, common pear |
Origin/Distribution | Europe/cultivated in temperate (with winter chill) regions |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 8, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1160 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Pyrus communis |
Order/Family | Rosales/Rosaceae |
Common Name | pears |
Origin/Distribution | Central and eastern Europe, southwest Asia./cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | June 20, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1192 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Rhododendron Yakushima hybrid 'Dreamland' |
Order/Family | Ericales/Ericaceae, subfamily: Ericoideae, tribe:Rhodoreae |
Common Name | Rhododendrom dreamland |
Origin/Distribution | Asia/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | April 14, 2015 |
Reference | RHS Rhododendrons.co Wikipedia |
Index | 1097 |
Links | Facebook |
From Rhododenddrons.co: Parentage is Fabia Group x (fortunei subsp. discolor hybrid x griersonianum) x (fortunei susbsp discolor hybrid x facetum) x (Jalisco Group x griersonianum).

Plant/flower | Rhododenron "janet blair" |
Common Name | janet blair rhododendron |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 22, 2014 |
Reference | LearnToGrow |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Rhododendron luteum |
Common Name | yellow azalea, honeysuckle azalea |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | May 16, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Rhododendron section Tsutsusi |
Order/Family | Ericales/Ericaceae, subfamily: Ericoideae |
Common Name | Japanese azalea |
Origin/Distribution | Japan, China, NorthEast Asia/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | October 25, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 878 |
Links | Facebook |
In 2005, this plant was put in the following section: Genus: Rhododendron, Subgenus: Azaleastrum, Section:Tsutsusi
The name is a best guess, and may be subject to change.

| Plant/flower | Ribes rubrum |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Grossulariaceae |
Common Name | red currant, Johannisbeeren |
Photographer | Vivian B Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | fujifilm J100 |
Post Date | July 6, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 603 |
Links | Facebook |
Widely grown in Europe. the fruits taste a little sour and can be made into health drinks and marmalade.

 | Plant/flower | Rondeletia odorata |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Rubiaceae |
Common Name | rondeletia, Panama-rose |
Origin/Distribution | Western America/wildcrafted |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Paris France |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | March 21, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1018 |
Links | Facebook |
 | Plant/flower | Sambucus nigra |
Order/Family | Dipsacales/Adoxaceae |
Common Name | elder, black elder, elderberry. European elderberry |
Origin/Distribution | mostly Europe/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | April 12, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1094 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sambucus nigra 'black lace' |
Order/Family | Dipsacales/Adoxaceae |
Common Name | elder, black elder, elderberry. European elderberry |
Origin/Distribution | mostly Europe/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | March 30, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia Crocus |
Index | 1093 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sarracenia psittacina |
Order/Family | Ericales/Sarraceniaceae |
Common Name | parrot pitcher plant |
Origin/Distribution | North America/parts of southeastern USA, cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 21, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(general) |
Index | 653 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Order/Family | Pinales/Cupressaceae,ubfamily:Sequoioideae |
Common Name | giant sequoia, giant redwood, Sierra redwood, Sierran redwood, Wellingtonia |
Origin/Distribution | Sierra Nevada, California/cultivated in other countries |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Sequia National Park, Giant forest village, California, USA |
Camera | Nikon D300 |
Post Date | April 9, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1079 |
Links | Facebook |
Giant sequoias are among the largest living trees in the world. This particular tree is called the Sentinel.

| Plant/flower | Sparmannia africana L.f. |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | Malvales/Tiliaceae |
Common Name | African hemp, african linden |
Origin/Distribution | Africa, South Africa and Madagascar/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1380 |
Links | Facebook |
Plant/flower | Strelitza Regina |
Common Name | Bird of Paradise |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D500 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 26, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Stenocactus obvallaatus |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Munnich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | March 26, 2014 |
Reference | Cactus-Art.biz de.Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
| Plant/flower | Stephanotis floribunda |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Apocynaceae |
Common Name | Madagascar Jasmine, waxflower, Hawaiian wedding flower, bridal wreath |
Origin/Distribution | Madagascar/cultivated |
Photographer | Timothy Thornton |
Location | Australia |
Camera | Canon Powershot AS 620 |
Post Date | November 8, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 907 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ela A. Ancheta |

Plant/flower | Syzygium paniculatum |
Common Name | Magenta cherry, magenta lily pilly |
Photographer | Timothy Thornthon |
Location | Queensland, Australia |
Camera | |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 21, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Cineraria × hybrida (old name),Senecio cruentus Plant/flower | Pericallis X. hybrida |
Synonym |
Common Name | Teneriffa Stern 'Vanilladragon', Star of Teneriffe, cineraria, florist's cineraria or common ragwort, |
Order/Family | Asterales/Asteraceae |
Origin/Distribution | Canary Islands/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | April 2, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
Aknowledgement | Review of name: Ela Ancheta |
November 29: This is a crossbreed of Pericallis cruenta and P. lanata. Cineraria now applies to South African species.

| Plant/flower | Scabiosa_atropurpurea |
Order/Family | Dipsacales/Dipsacaceae |
Common Name | egyptian rose, sweet scabiosa, pincushion plant |
Origin/Distribution | North Africa, Canary Islands, Southwestern Europe,Turkey/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 29, 2014 |
Reference | LucidCentral Wikipedia |
Index | 694 |
Links | Facebook |
Additional common names from LucidCentral reference: mournful widow, mourning bride, mourningbride, pin cushion, pin cushion flower, pincushion, pincushion flower, pincushion plant, pincushions, purple pincushion, scabiosa, scabious, sweet scabious

| Plant/flower | Stapelia Hirsuta Lin |
Order/Family | Gentianales/Apocynaceae, subfamily: Asclepiadoideae |
Common Name | Starfish flower , carrion- plant , carrion-flower |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | November 9, 2014 |
Reference | CJB Wikipedia(Stapelia) Daves garden |
Index | 911 |
Links | Facebook |
Synonyms:S.comata,S. depressa,S.patula, S. lanifera, S. elongata
Trapa bicornis

| Plant/flower | Trapa bicornis L. |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | Myrtales/Lythraceae |
Common Name | Buffalo nut, Horn nut, Bat nut, Devil Pod, ling nut, singhara |
Origin/Distribution | Eurasia and Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Dalsy Caponong Hein |
Location | Shanghai, China |
Camera | Iphone 6 |
Post Date | September 6, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1294 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |
Cultivated for food for 3,000 years.
Related species: Trapa natans, Trapa rossica.

| Plant/flower | Trifolium rubens |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae-Faboideae-Trifolieae |
Common Name | Red Feather, ornamental Clover, red Trefoil, highest hare foot, crimson clover. |
Origin/Distribution | Eurasia/Southern Europe, cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | October 10. 2014 |
Reference | Spanish Wikipedia |
Index | 834 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Trollius pumilus |
Order/Family | Ranunculales/Ranunculaceae |
Common Name | globe flower |
Origin/Distribution | cool temperate regions in Northern hemisphere/Asia |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia(general) |
Index | 662 |
Links | Facebook |
"No reported sighting in the Philippines .

| Plant/flower | Tulipa Crispa |
Synonym | none |
Order/Family | Liliales/Liliaceae,Subfamily:Lilioideae |
Common Name | frilly edged tulip, fringed tulip |
Origin/Distribution | Central Asia, Turkey/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Viviana |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Fujifilm |
Post Date | December 31, 2015 |
Reference | Kokachi Wikipedia |
Index | 1353 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |
The early frilly edged tulips were actually affeted by a mosaic virus, later stable varieties were developed.

| Plant/flower | Umbilicus_oppositifolius, Chiastophyllum oppositifolium |
Order/Family | Saxifragales/Crassulaceae |
Common Name | lamb's tail, gold drop, Jim's pride, solar yellow, silver crown |
Origin/Distribution | Western Caucassus/sold to gardens worldwide |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | July 23, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 660 |
Links | Facebook |
A succulent related to the sedums. No sighting in the Philippines.

| Plant/flower | Urtica dioica |
Order/Family | Rosales/Urticaceae |
Common Name | stinging nettle, common nettle |
Origin/Distribution | Europe, Asia, northern Africa,North America/global |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | home garden Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | August 3, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 712 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Victoria Amazonica |
Common Name | giant water lily |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Sweden |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | June 20, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 578 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | Id: Benigno Resurreccion |
| Native to the amazon river basins.

| Plant/flower | Viola tricolor L. |
Order/Family | Malpighiales/Violaceae |
Common Name | heartsease, heart's ease, heart's delight, tickle-my-fancy, Jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me, come-and-cuddle-me, three faces in a hood, or love-in-idleness,johnny jump up, wild pansy |
Origin/Distribution | Europe/wildcrafted, cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 19, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1189 |
Links | Facebook |

| Plant/flower | Vitis vinifera L. |
Order/Family | Vitales/Vitaceae |
Common Name | wine grape (probably Merlot) |
Origin/Distribution | Mediterranean region, central Europe, and southwestern Asia/cultivated |
Photographer | Ella Ancheta |
Location | California, USA |
Camera | Nikon Coolpix S9700 |
Post Date | June 29, 2015 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1214 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella Ancheta |
| .
 | Plant/flower | Veltheimia capensis |
Synonym | |
Order/Family | Asparagales/Asparagaceae |
Common Name | sand lily, elephant's eye and winter veltheimia |
Origin/Distribution | South Africa/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Munich, Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1373 |
Links | Facebook |
Acknowledgement | ID: Ella A. Ancheta |

| Plant/flower | Welwitschia mirabilis Hook f. |
Synonym | Welwitschia bainesii (Hook. f.) Carrière |
Order/Family | Welwitschiales/Welwitschiaceae Caruel,Division:Getophyta, Class:Gnetopsida |
Common Name | tumbo tree |
Origin/Distribution | Namib desert within Namibia and Angola/cultivated |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Post Date | February 8, 2016 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1371 |
Links | Facebook |
Considered a living fossil.

| Plant/flower | Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC. |
Order/Family | Fabales/Fabaceae, subfamily: Faboideae |
Common Name | wisteria |
Origin/Distribution | China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Shaanxi, and Yunnan)/temperate |
Photographer | Antonio Alisla Jr. |
Location | Guildford, Surrey UK |
Camera | Samsung ST150F |
Post Date | @pdate |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Index | 1199 |
Links | Facebook |
| .
Plant/flower | Yucca brevifolia |
Common Name | Joshua tree |
Photographer | Vivian B. Vivian |
Location | Joshua tree National Park USD of the interior National Park Service,USA |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | February 2, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |

Plant/flower | Zamia decumbens |
Common Name | |
Photographer | Vivian Bvivian |
Location | Germany |
Camera | Nikon D3000 |
Photo Date | |
Post Date | March 17, 2014 |
Reference | Wikipedia |
Links | Facebook |
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