A tall specimen with straight trunk at U.P. Diliman,Garden of Native Trees, taken with Smartmobile S2 phone camera, posted on December 18, 2014 to Facebook.
Here are some photos of Igyo taken by Ella Bernalis Jacildo in Pulupandan, last September 1, 2014.

Earlier photos by Mario Delmendo were taken last August 25, 2014 at Bacnotan, La union.

Igyo is also featured in Washington Sycip Garden of Native Trees, Diliman, Quezon City.
Common names for Igyo include buntog, malabaga, bakugan and taliktan, ivory mahogany, ananangtang, bakugan, basiloag, bolong-tambag, bongliu, bundugon, buntogan, ikuo, Kugiug, makasisi, malaaduas, malabaga, tadyang-kalabaw, ivory mahogany.
Igyo is a medicinal tree. Here is a reference for its reputed cancer cure: Philstar: Mahogany extract may hold cancer cure