Thursday, December 25, 2014

Gallery: Xylocarpus granatum

Another possible name is XYLOCARPUS MOLUCCENCIS. Photographs courtesy of Ivanhoe Arcilla, taken with a Canon 1200.

Gallery: Oxalis traingularis

This photograph contributed by member Vivian B. Vivian, taken with a Nikon D3000 in Germany.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gallery: Ardisia Elliptica, tagpo, shoebutton ardisia.

This photo of an ardisia elliptia, syn. a. squamulosa, was taken by Merlinda Entierro Velasco‎ at Himamaylan with a Samsung Tab 3.

The plant is edible but bland. The fruits may be made into drinks, with sugar added.

If the photo is not showing, please click on the this [Facebook link]. For more information, please visit StuartXchange

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Gallery : Pandanaceae Pandanus

These photos were taken by Ivanhoe Arcilla , in the Bicol region.

More photos in the album by clicking on this link.

Other pandanus varieties growing in the Philippines.

(c) 2014 by Ivanhoe Arcilla.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Gallery: orthosiphon aristatus, cat's paw

This specimen photo was taken by Ms. Timothy Thornton in Australia.

If the photo is not showing, please click on this link.

Gallery: Laurus nobilis, sweet bay leaf

Deedee Garrido-Granada posted this photo taken in Kabankalan City with an Ipad on March 16, 2014.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Gallery: Raphis Excelsa

Here is a beautiful variegated raphis excelsa from Yvonne Mamaril Peralta,

If the photo is not showing, click on this Facebook link.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Gallery: Aechmea blanchetiana

This specimen was photographed in Gawahon Ecopark in Victorias City, Negros Occidental by Ritchel Aligarbes Pachica using an Apple Ipad.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Gallery: Duranta Erecta

This photo of a duranta erecta var alba was taken by Vivian B. Vivian in Bohol, Philippins with a Nikon D3000 camera.

If you cannot view the photo, please click on

Image owned and copyright held by Vivian B. Vivian. Free for educational non-commercial use.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Gallery: ficus triangularis

Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla took this photo with a Samsung WB250F in Bauang, La Union.

If the photo is not displayed, you may click on Facebook.

Gallery: Scaevola Taccada, Linu or Boto

Taken by Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla at Dicasalarin Cove,Baler,Aurora with a
Samsung ES90 camera.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gallery: Acalypha Wilkesiana, Jacob's coat.

This beautiful specimen photo was taken by Ms. Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafallia using a Samsung WB250F at Asin,Tuba, Benguet.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Gallery: Raphis Excelsa

Ms Yvonne Mammaril Peralta posted a nice photo of raphis with her Samsung Tab 2 in La Union:

If photo is not displayed please click on this Facebook link:

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Gallery: weeping fig, Ficus benjamina

Here is Benigno Resurreccion photo of a variegated Ficus benjamina 'Starlight' taken with a Nikon Coolpix L830 camera.

If photo is not showing, please click on the [Facebook link]

Gallery: Zypheranthes candida, white rain lily

Photographed by Benny Resurreccion at Quezon City with a Nikon Coolpix L830.

If the photograph is not showing please click on this Facebook link.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Gallery : Chinese tea, Malphigia coccigera

Photograph courtesy of Ella Bernales Jacildo, taken with a fujifilm finepix 4500, at Pulupandan, Negros Occidental on October 23, 2013.

If photo is not displayed visit this [facebook] link.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Gallery: Lagolo, Acrostichum aureum L.

Photographed by Benigno Resurreccion, at Davao City, using Nikon Coolpix L830
Click on this link if photo is not showing.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Gallery: milkweed, hairy ball flowers, devil's balls,balloon plant,family jewels: Gomphocarpus physocarpus, Asclepias physocarpa

Here is our current indexed photo, from Al Claud, posted on feb. 22, 2014, and taken with a Samsung ES15 at Bacolod City. Click on [this link] if image is not showing.

Vivian B. Vivian from Germany posted a recent, August 24,2014, photo taken with her Nikon D3000. Click on [this link] if image is not showing

Gallery: Aluminum plant, pilea cardiere

from Vivian B. Vivian, Germany with a Nikon D3000.

If you cannot see the photo (Facebook sometimes change the link to the images, please click on
the [album link].

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Gallery: Botong, Barringtonia Asiatica.

From Ernesto P. Adorio, taken with the Fujifilm HS50EXR, Bgy Central , Quezon City

What is amusing is that this tree, which can become quite large is growing on the sidewalk. It should be cut down immediately.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Gallery: Shanghai beauties

Photos taken by Ernesto Adorio with a Fujifilm HS50EXR camera,at Clarkfield, Pampanga, August 2, 2014

Gallery: Ipomea Obscura

From Mario Delmendo, Sony W800 digcam, Bacnotan, La Union

From Ernesto Adorio, Fujiffilm HS50EXR, Clarkfield Pampanga

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gallery Cassia Surratensis

From Vivian B. Vivian, Germany, Nikon D300, July 29, 2014.

Thanks to Benigno Resurreccion for the right ID.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Week starting July 21, 2014

We have the following new additions to our growing list of indexed plants. Included are exotic plants which may or may not grow in the Philippines.

651 capsicum anuum-katumbal, sili, pepper
652 Oxalis debilis, Oxalis corymbosa,Oxalis martiana - three leafed clover, clover sorrel, pink woodsorrel, large flowered pink sorrel, lilac oxalis, pink shamrock, pink woodsorrel, violet woodsorrel
653 Sarracenia psittacina - Ericales/Sarraceniaceae
654 tropaeolum majus - "garden nasturtium, Indian cressm,monks cress"
655 Tacca leontopetaloides - Gau gau, kanobong, panarien, tambobon, tayobong, yabyaban
656 Actinodaphne hookeri - Pisa
657 Nervilia aragoana - tall shield orchid
658 Dioscorea transversa - Common yam vine, pencil yam
659 Allophylus edulis - Chal-chal; aperta-goela; chala-chala; fruta de pombo

660 Umbilicus oppositifolius, Chiastophyllum oppositifolium - lamb's tail, gold drop, Jim's pride, solar yellow, silver crown
661 Millittia Pinnata,Pongamia pinnata - Bagnei; Balikbalik; Balok; Balok-balok; Balotbalot; Baluk-baluk; Indian beech
662 Trollius pumilus - globe flower
663 Eryngium Giganteum - Miss Willmott's Ghost
664 rollius chinensis subsp macropetalus - globe flower
665 Bucida spinosa - Ming tree, Brier-tree, Prickly tree, Spiny Black Olive
666 Oldenlandia biflora - Dalumpang, Kaddok-na-kalinga, Palarapdap, Pisek, Two flower mille graines
667 Tillandsia Ionantha - Blushing bride airplant, sky plant
668 Cucurbita maxima
651 capsicum anuum-katumbal, sili, pepper
652 Oxalis debilis, Oxalis corymbosa,Oxalis martiana - three leafed clover, clover sorrel, pink woodsorrel, large flowered pink sorrel, lilac oxalis, pink shamrock, pink woodsorrel, violet woodsorrel
653 Sarracenia psittacina - Ericales/Sarraceniaceae
654 tropaeolum majus - "garden nasturtium, Indian cressm,monks cress"
655 Tacca leontopetaloides - Gau gau, kanobong, panarien, tambobon, tayobong, yabyaban
656 Actinodaphne hookeri - Pisa
657 Nervilia aragoana - tall shield orchid
658 Dioscorea transversa - Common yam vine, pencil yam
659 Allophylus edulis - Chal-chal; aperta-goela; chala-chala; fruta de pombo

660 Umbilicus oppositifolius, Chiastophyllum oppositifolium - lamb's tail, gold drop, Jim's pride, solar yellow, silver crown
661 Millittia Pinnata,Pongamia pinnata - Bagnei; Balikbalik; Balok; Balok-balok; Balotbalot; Baluk-baluk; Indian beech
662 Trollius pumilus - globe flower
663 Eryngium Giganteum - Miss Willmott's Ghost
664 rollius chinensis subsp macropetalus - globe flower
665 Bucida spinosa - Ming tree, Brier-tree, Prickly tree, Spiny Black Olive
666 Oldenlandia biflora - Dalumpang, Kaddok-na-kalinga, Palarapdap, Pisek, Two flower mille graines
667 Tillandsia Ionantha - Blushing bride airplant, sky plant
668 Cucurbita maxima - Carabaza, kalabasa,Kabasi , squash
669 Aglaonema crispum - Chinese eergreen, painted drop tongue
- Carabaza, kalabasa,Kabasi , squash
669 Aglaonema crispum - Chinese eergreen, painted drop tongue

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ficus carica in the Philippines!

Our Australian based member Timothy Thornton posted a photo of a ficus growing in
Ven Island, Sweden. That photo was posted on July 11, 2014. Here is a closeu photo of the common fig, which is very edible and is grown throughout Europe and Meditaranean countries.

I checked whether ficus carica grows in the Philippines, but a search on PythoImages yielded photos of the common ficus growing in Spain. Even the Philippine site came up empty handed so we entered the plant index data in Around the World page.

Imagine my pleasant surprise when Yvonne Mamaril Peralta posted the following photo of the common fig tree:

The photo was taken in Panicsican, san Juan, La Union with a Samsung Galaxy Tab2, GT3-3100. This is a good proof that yes, ficus carica grows in the Philippines.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

temporary list of indexed plants, trees, mushrooms in Handbook

1 abrus precatorius - Buddhist rosary bead, Rosary pea vine, Carolina muida, Deadly crab's eye, Lucky bean, Prayer beads, Weather plant, Wild liquorice, Indian licorice.
2 abutilon Indicum - Indian Mallow, chinese bell flower, malbas
3 abutilon megapotamicum - Chinese lantern
4 acalypha Wilkesiana - copperleaf, bloodleaf
5 acalypha indica - maraotong, Indian copperleaf
6 acrostichum aureum - lagolo, mangrove fern
7 actinodaphne-multiflora - puso-puso
8 adiantum capillus-veneris - maidenhair fern,
9 adonidia Merillii, Veitchia merrillii, Normanbya merrillii - Manila palm, Christmas palm, bunga de Jolo
10 agave americana - agave
11 agave victoriae-reginae - royal agave, Queen Victoria agave
12 albizia saman, - rain tree
13 allamanda Neriifolia - Yellow allamanda, bll or trumpet flower
14 allamanda blanchitti - violet or purple allamanda
15 allamanda cathartica - yellow bell, golden trumpet,campanilla,campanero
16 alocasia reginula "Black Velvet"- black alocasia
17 aloe Melanacantha Erinacea
18 aloe Vera - Aloe vera
19 aloe maculata, aloe saponaria - soap aloe, zebra aloe
20 aloe marlothii - mountain aloe, flat-flowered aloe
21 aloe varriegata - tiger aloe, partridge breasted aloe
22 aloysia Virgata - honey almond bush, almond verbena
23 alpinia Purpurata - Red ginger, ostrich plume
24 alternanthera ficoidea - Joseph's coat, parrot leaf
25 amaranthus Caudatus Green Cascada (WHITE) - Love lies bleeding
26 amaranthus Caudatus|Panniculatus-Red amaranth, halon, baguio cadettes
27 amaranthus Viridis- Kolitis, green amaranth
28 amorphophallus sp. - corpse flower plant
29 ananas nanus - decorative dwarf pineapple
30 anthurium Andreanum var Obaki
31 araucaria heterophylla - Norfolk Island pine
32 ardisia Squamolusa - Tagpo, shoebutton ardisia plant
33 areca catechu
34 argemone mexicana - mexican poppy
35 arpophyllum giganteum -
36 artemisia Abrotanum - Southernwood, southern wormwood, Lad's Love, Maiden's Ruin
37 artocarpus odoratissimus Blanco|Moraceae|Rosales-marang
38 asparagau desiflorus "Meyersii" - asparagus foxtail fern
39 asparagus Densiflorus Sprengeri-tumba napoleon, asparagus fern
40 asystasia gangetica, Asystasia coromandeliana - Chinese violets, coromandel, creeping foxgloves,Zamboangenita
41 asystassia gangetica ssp micrantha, Asystasia coromandeliana var micrantha, Asystasia intrusa, Ruellia intrusa - Small chinese violets, Creeping Foxglove, coromandel
42 azalea "red sunset"
43 bambusia ventricosa - Budddha's belly bamboo
44 barrigtonia asiatica - botong
45 bauhinia acuminata - dwarf white bauhinia, white or snowy orchid tree
46 begonia X Hiemalis - red-orange begonia
47 begonia X Hiemalis - red/orange begonia
48 begonia maculata
49 begonia semperflorens
50 bilbergia pyramidalis - flaming torch
51 bismarckia nobilis
52 breynia Disticha 'Roseo-picta' (Snow bush) - breynia
53 brighamia Insignis- cabbage on a stick
54 caesalpinia pulcherrima - peacock flower, caballero
55 cajanus cajan - Kadyos, Pigeon Pea
56 caladium spp (bicolor?) - angel wings, elephant's ear
57 calathea Makoyana - makoyana
58 calathea Ornata roseo-lineata
59 calathea insignus - rattlesnake calathea
60 calliandra haemocephala - Red powderpuff plant
61 callistemon Viminalis - weeeping bottlebrush, bottlebrush
62 calophyllum obliquenervium - dangkalan, palo maria
63 calotropis Gigantea (Violet) - crown flower, giant milkweed, kapal-kapal, madar
64 cananga odorata - ylang-ylang
65 canavalia cathartica - Poti poti; mauna loa; purge vine
66 canistrum aurantiacum
67 cardiospermum halicacabum - Heart pea, Balloon vine,
68 carissa grandiflora Prostrata- natal plum
69 cassia fistula-golden shower tree
70 cassia nodosa (Yellow), cassia javanica L. subsp. nodosa - philippine cherry tree, balayong, apostola
71 cataranthus Roseus
72 celosia Spicata-kindayohan, coxcomb flamingo, common coxcomb
73 centrosema pusbescens - Pukinggan, centro, butterfly pea,flor de conchitas
74 cephalocereus senilis - Old man's cactus
75 cestrum Nocturnum - dama de noche
76 cestrum diurnum -dama del dia, day blooming cestrum
77 chlorophytum filipendulum subsp amaniense
78 chromolaena odorata - jack in the bush, hagonoy
79 chrysopogon_zizanioides, Andropogon zizanioides - Amora, moras, giron, vetiver grass
80 chrysothomis Pulchella
81 cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume - cinnamon, canela,
82 cinnamomum zeylanicum|verum - Cinnamon, canela
83 citrus Medica var sarcodactylis -buddha's hand, fingered citron, bushukan
84 citrus micrantha var microcarpa Wester - Biasong,kalamansi,calamondin
85 cleome spinosa - botete, spider legs, grandfather's whiskers,violet queen
86 clerodendrum Incisum- musical note plant, morning kiss, witches tongue, macrosiphon
87 clerodendrum delectum , clerodendum thomoniae var delectum
88 clerodendrum philippinense, fragrans pleniflorum, Clerodendrum chinense, Volkameria fragrans - Chinese Glory Bower, Cashmere bouqet, Scent Malli, False Pikake, Glory Tree
89 clerodendrum quadriloculare-bagawak morado
90 clittoria ternatea(Blue) - Pukingan
91 cnestis Palala
92 cobaea Scandens - cup-and-saucer vine, cathedral bells
93 colubrina asiatica , Ceanothus asiaticus L., Rhamnus asiatica - Kabatiti, Latherleaf, Peria laut, Asian Snakewood, Asiatic Colubrina
94 combretum Indicum|Quisqualis Indica - rangoon creeper
95 commilina Diffusa - Climbing dayflower, spreading dayflower, alikbanon, pigweed
96 corchorus olitorius - Red Jute, mallow leaves, tugabang
97 cordyline fructicosa| terminalis - ti plant, tungkod pare, baston de San Jose
98 costus cosmosus - red tower ginger
99 costus woodsonii- red button ginger, indian head ginger
100 crassula Ovata Gollum
101 crateva religiosa - balai lamok, salingbobod
102 cratoxylum Sumatranum
103 crossandra Indibuliformis - firecracker plant
104 crotalaria mucronata,Crotalaria pallida - Smooth Rattlebox, Rattlepod443 Bluemea balsamifera, Conyza balsamefera Linn, Conyza odorata Rumph, Cpnyza appendiculata - blumea camphor, alibhon, sambong
105 cuphea hyssopifolia - false heather
106 cyacas Revoluta - Oliva, King Sago
107 cyanthillium cinerum - Ash Colored Fleabane, Little Iron Weed, Agas-moro
108 cymbidium Finlaysonianum - yellow boat orchid
109 cyperus alternifolius - umbrela palm, umbrella papyrus
110 dahlia (Dinnerplate) ``Bilbao`` - dahlia
111 datura metel (WHITE) - Talong punay; katsibong; kamkamaulaw; thorn apple; devil's trumpet
112 delonix regia - Royal Poinciana,Flamboyant tree, fire tree
113 dendrobium Cobbianum
114 dendrochilum wenzelii -Wenzel's Chain Orchid
115 dichorisandra thyrsiflora - Blue ginger
116 dieffenbachia seguine|maculata - spotted dumb cane
117 digitalis purpurea - purple foxglove
118 dilenia Luzoniensis - Malakatmon
119 dioscorea esculenta - Lesser yam, Tugi, Aneg, boga, kamiging, asiatic yam
120 dorstenia barteri
121 dracaena fragrans "Lindenii" - cornstalk plant, false palm
122 dracaena fragrans - corn plant
123 dracaena surculusa
124 dracaena surculusa "Gold Dust"' - gold dust or spotted dracaena
125 dracaena surculusa "Gold Leaf - gold leaf dracaena
126 drynaria quercifolia|Polypodium quercifolium - Basket fern, oak-leaf fern, pakpak lawin
127 durio zibethinus Murr |Malvaceae|Malvales-Durian
128 dypsis decaryi - triangle palm
129 echeveria agavoides
130 emilia sonchifolia - lilac, tasselflower
131 entada phaseoloides - gugu, St. Thomas bean, water vine
132 ephedra Virides - Mormon Tea
133 epigeneium treacherianum,Dendrobium treacherianum - Treacher's Epigeneium
134 episcia Cupreata - flame violets
135 equisetum arvinse - horsetail plant, buntot ng kabayo
136 erythrina budwilii - fireman's cap
137 etlingera Elatior - torch ginger, wax flower
138 eucharis Grandiflora - Amazon lily
139 euclyptus Deglupta - Rainbow eucalyptus or gumtree
140 eucrosia bicolor
141 eugenia reinwardtiana - California beach cherry, Cedar Bay Cherry, Mountain Stopper
142 euphorbia lactea - false cactus, candelabra plant, milkstripe plant
143 euphorbia milii - crown of thorns
144 euphorbia pulcherrima - christmas star, christmas flower, poinsettia poinsettia, crown of the Andes, painted leaf, lobster plant, Mexican flameleaf, flor de Pascua, Noche buena
145 euphorbia_tithymaloides, Pedilanthus tithymaloides - Jewbush, zig-zag plant, Devil's Backbone, luhang dalaga
146 euphorobia milii (yellow)
147 fagraea racemosa - false coffee tree, balat buaia, bakau, kabal, kuliba-o, libakan
148 ficus nana (variegated)
149 ficus pseudopalma - niyog-niyogan
150 ficus religiosa - buddha tree, bo tree, sacred fig
151 ficus triangularis
152 fittonia Albivenis- nerve plant, mosaic plant
153 fittonia Argyroneura - redveined nerve or mosaic plant
154 flagellaria indica - false rattan,rotan tikos, whip vine
155 freycinetia Multiflora - Climbing Pandanus
156 garcinia Binucao - batwan # name change from G morella, April 14, 2014
157 gardenia jaminoides - rosal, gardenia
158 geastrum saccatum - earthstar mushroom
159 glandularis canadensis| verbena canadensis
160 glirricidia Sepium - madre cacao, kakawati
161 gloxinia Perrenis - canterbury bells
162 gomphocarpus physocarpus - Milkweed, hairy ball flowers, devil's balls,balloon plant,family jewels
163 gomphrena globusa - globe amaranthus, botoncillo
164 goniothalamus amuyon - amuyong, taiwan goniothalamus
165 graptophyllum pictum - caricature plant, Jamaican croton
166 guzmania viola (pink)
167 habranthus robustus - pink fairy rain lily
168 hatiora Rhipsalidopsis-Easter or spring cactus
169 haworthia fasciata - zebra cactus
170 hedychium coronarium (white) - White Kamia, galanga,ginger lily, white
171 helianthus annuus - mirasol, girasol, sunflower, Sonnemblumen, tournesol
172 helichrysum bracteatum - red everlasting flower
173 heliconia bihai|caribaea| aurea - erect lobster claw
174 heliconia latispatha - lobster claw
175 heliconia psittacorum
176 heliconia psittacorum x spathocircinita - yellow parrot
177 heliconia rostrata - lobster claw
178 hibiscus Tillaceous - Malabago, balibago, ragindi, beach hibiscus, sea hibiscus, sea rosemallow
179 hibiscus rosa-sinensis - gumamela
180 hibiscus rosa-sinensis double
181 hibiscus sabdariffa - roselle, rosel, red sorrel
182 hibiscus schizopetalus - japanese lantern
183 hibiscus surratensis - labog, wild sour, bush sorrel,
184 hippobroma longifolia madame fate, Isotoma longifolia - Star of Bethlehem, Estrella
185 hoya publicalyx - purple hoya
186 hydnophytum formicarum Jack - Banghai, Ant plant
187 hylocereus undatus- pitaya, dragon fruit cacus
188 hyophorbe Indica - champagne palm
189 hyptis suaveolens - Suob kabayo,suag kabayo, loko-loko, pignut, bush mint
190 intsia bijuga - Ipil, taal, borneo teak, false teak, moluccan ironwood
191 ipomea Batatas - camote, sweet potato
192 ipomea pes-caprae - baguasa, goats foot, beach morning glory
193 iresine Herbstii - bloodleaf, beafsteak, chicken gizzard
194 ixora coccinea - jungle geranium, flame of the woods, jungle flame, tangpupo
195 jasmimum sambac - sampaguita
196 jathropa gossypifolia - belly ache bush, red physic nut,tuba-tuba,black physicnut or cotton-leaf physicnut
197 jatropha Integerrima|hastata|pandurifolia - Shanghai
198 justiciaa gendarussa - tuhod manok, tagapayaa, water wllow
199 kaempferia elegans - peacock ginger
200 kalanachoe Beharensis
201 kalanchoe blossfeldiana - flaming katy, Christmas kalanchoe
202 kleinhovia hospita - guest tree, tan-ag
203 kniphoffia uvaria
204 kohleria Hirsuta -
205 lagerstroemia Speciosa - banaba, queen's flowers,Giant Crape-myrtle, Queen's Crape-myrtle, pride of India
206 lagerstroemia-indica - crepe myrtle
207 lansium domesticum var duku - lanzones
208 lantana camara - Baho-baho, kantutay, wild sage, coronitas
209 leea coccinea 'rubra'- red leea
210 leea guineensis - Mali-mali
211 leucanthemum Vulgare X superbum - Shasta daisy
212 licuala grandis - Ruffled fan palm, vanuatu fan palm, palas palm
213 lilium tigrinum - Tiger lily orchid
214 liparis condylobulbon - tapered sphinx orchid
215 litsea glutinosa - sablot, Indian laurel
216 litsea glutinosa, litsea sebifera - Lauat, sablot, indian laurel, pond spice
217 loranthus sp - mistletoe
218 loropetalum chinensis - fringe flower
219 lunaria annua - Money Plant. Honesty.Lunaria
220 malphigia coccigera - dwarf holly
221 malvaviscus arboreus, - sleepy hisbicus, turkcap, wax mallow, ladies teardrop,scotchman's purse
222 mammillaria formosa|chionocephala
223 manettia luteo-rubra - firecracker vine
224 manihot esculenta - balinghoy, kamoteng kahoy, cassava, tapioca plant, manioc root
225 manilkara zapota|Achras zapota|Manilkara achras|Achras mammosa - Sapodilla, chico,chicle
226 medinilla cumingii
227 medinilla miniata - crimson medinilla
228 megaskepasma erythrochlamys - brazilian red cloak
229 melaleuca lanceolata - Black Paperbark, Moonah, Rottnest Island Tea tree,Western Black Tea tree
230 melampodium divaricatum- star daisy,butter daisy
231 melastoma Malabathricum - Malatungau, Indian rhododendron, Singapore rhododenron
232 melastoma Rotundifolia?
233 merrima Peltata (Yellow)- Bulakan
234 merrima Peltata (Yellow)- Bulakan
235 mimosa Pudica - Makahiya
236 mirabilis Jalapa - four oclock flowers
237 monstera obliqua - swiss cheese, eyelet philodendron
238 morinda Cetrifolia- Noni plant, apataot
239 morus alba, morus indica, Morus atropurpurea , Morus macrophylla, morus nervosa - Morera, mulberry, silkworm mulberry,moral, moras, amoras
240 musa Ornata - bronze banana
241 musa Velutina - velvet pink banana
242 musa X paradisiaca - banana, saging
243 muscari Armeniacum - grape hyacinth,baby's breath, blue bells
244 mussaenda frondosa (Orange star) - dhobi tree, wild mussaende, kahoi-dalage, Queen Sirikit
245 mussaenda frondosa (Yellow star) - dhobi tree, wild mussaende, kahoi-dalage, Queen Sirikit470 Epigeneium treacherianum,Dendrobium treacherianum - Treacher's Epigeneium
246 mussaenda philippica A. Rich. cv. aurora - Donya Aurora
247 nelumbo Nucifera - Sacred Lotus,Baino
248 nepenthes truncata - pitcher plant
249 nephrolepis cordifolia - bayabang, swortdfern
250 odontanema strictum - Firespike
251 olax Imbricata - malabaguio
252 opuntia ficus-indica - Indian fig opuntia, barbary fig, cactus pear, spineless cactus, and prickly pear
253 opuntia ficus-indica - Indian fig opuntia, barbary fig, cactus pear, spineless cactus, and prickly pear"
254 ornithogalum dubium - star of bethlehem, sun star
255 orthosiphon aristatus - kabling gubat, cats whiskers, balbas pusa, Java tea
256 oryza sativa - Asian rice plant, palay, humay
257 osteospermum fruticosum 'Serenity Purple - Trailing African daisy, shrubby daisybush
258 oxalis regnellii | Oxalis triangularis sp papilionacea - Purple leaved oxalis, butterfly plant
259 oxalis tringularis- Green leaved false shamrock
260 pachypodium lamerei - Madagascar palm
261 pachyptera alliacea, Mansoa alliacea - garlic vine, false garlic, ajos sacha, wild garlic
262 pancreatum zeylanicum - white lily, rain flower
263 pandanus Utilis - Red Edged Pandanus, Screwpine, or Grass skirt Charm
264 pandanus amaryllifolius - aromatic pandan china, pandan mabango, fragrant screw pine
265 papaver orientale - oriental poppy
266 passiflora Vitifolia - Perfumed Passionflower, Grape-leaved Passion Fruit, Vine-Leaf Passion,Crimson Passionflower
267 passiflora edulis
268 pellionia_repens
269 peltophorum pterocarpum - Copperpod, Golden Flamboyant, Yellow Flamboyant, Yellow Flame Tree, Yellow Poinciana
270 peony alba - white peony
271 persea Americana - Avocado
272 phaeanthus ebracteolatus - Kalimatas, lanotan
273 philodendron Martianum, philodendron Cannifolium - von martius philodendron, flask philodendron
274 philodendron Melinonii
275 philodendron Prince of Orange x Philodendron Selloum (Philodendron Cos)
276 philodendron bipinnatifidum, Philodendron selloum - lacy tree, split-leaf philodendron, elephant ear philodendron
277 phoenix dactylifera - date palm
278 phyllanthus acidus - bankiling, karamay,iba, star gooseberry, Indian gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, Otaheite gooseberry
279 pilea cadierei-aluminium plant
280 pilea_nummulariifolia-creeping charlie, swedish ivy
281 piper nigrum - Black pepper
282 pisum sativum, pisum arvense, pisum humile - sitsaro, sweet pea, garden pea,common pea, garden pea
283 pittosporum pentandrun - Mamalis, cheesewood
284 platycerium grande - Staghorn fern, elkhorn fence
285 pleioblastus chino 'Murakamiensis - japanese chino bamboo
286 plumbago Indica- red plumbago
287 premma odorata - alagao, fragrant premma
288 primula malacoide - fairy primrose
289 protea cyanaroides - giant protea, honeypot, king sugar bush
290 pseudoranthenum reticulatum (Purple) - purple morado, purple-veined eranthenum
291 pseudoranthenum reticulatum - yellow morado, yellow veined eranthenum
292 pteris ensiformis - Silver lace fern or slender brake fern
293 pterospernum Reticulatum
294 pumbago Auriculata- Plumbago
295 pyrrosia piloselloides ,Drymoglossum piloselloides - Dragon Scales Fern, Pagong-pagoñgan, lagolo, Piai, pakupakuan
296 quassia amara - candle plant
297 radermachera Kunming - dwarf Jasmine tree, summerscent
298 ravenia Spectabilis
299 rhododendron "janet blair"- janet blair rhododendron
300 rhododendron luteum-yellow azalea, honeysuckle azalea
301 ricinus Communis - castor bean plant
302 ricinus communis - Castor oil plant, Castor, Castor Bean, Castor Bean Tree, Palma Christi
303 rivina Humilis - bloodberry, pigeonberry
304 rosa Alba - white rose
305 roystonea regia - cuban royal palm
306 ruella simplex (White), ruellia brittoniana, Cryphiacanthus angustifolius - mexican bluebell, mexican petunia
307 russelia equisetiformis Red - Firecracker plant
308 russelia equisetiformis White - Firecracker plant
309 salvia Splendens var Atrosanguinea- scarlet sage
310 salvia Splendens var Atropurpurea - Salvia violet, violet sage
311 samallanthus sonchifolius, Polymnia edulis - yacon, peruvian ground apple
312 sambucus nigra - elderberry, boon tree, acte, bur tree, pipe tree
313 sansevieria trifasciata - Mother in law tongue
314 saraca Indica - Ashoka tree, Saraca
315 scaevola micrantha - mosboron
316 scaevola taccada,scaevola frutescens, scaevola sericea, lobelia taccada - linu, naupaka, Beach Cabbage, Sea Lettuce, magoo, boto
317 schaueria flavicoma - Brazlian plume flower
318 schefflera Arboricola - dwarf umbrella tree
319 schefflera odorata, Schefflera elliptica, Polyscias Odorata - lima-lima, galamai-amo, tagilima, schefflera vine
320 senna Alata, Cassia Alata- acapulco
321 solanum Torvum - tandang-aso,Devil's fig, Turkey berry, Cherry eggplant, Talong-talongan
322 solanum betaceum - tamarillo, tomato tree
323 solanum biflorum
324 solidago gigantea - goldenrod, Aaron's rod
325 sophoroa tormentosa - tambalisa,necklace pod, silver bush
326 spathoglottis Spicata" - Philippine Ground Orchid
327 spatiphylum clevelandii|Kochii var Mauna Loa - peace
328 spondias pinnata - libas, hog plum, wild mango, sermango
329 stachytarpheta jamaicensis - Aaron's rod, blue porterweed
330 stenocactus obvallaatus
331 streblus asper - kalios, sandpaper tree, toothbrush tree
332 strobilanthus dyerianus - persian shield
333 strophanthus preussii - spider tress, arrow poison vine
334 symphytum Officinales - comfrey
335 syngonium Podophyllum - arrow leaf, arrowhead vine, goosefoot, syngonium, american evergreen, nephthythis
336 syngonium Podophylum - arrow leaf, arrowhead vine, goosefoot, syngonium, american evergreen, nephthythis
337 synsepalum dulcificum - Miracle Berry
338 syzygium Aqueum - tambis, water apple
339 syzygium Malaccense - Macopa, malay apple
340 syzygium paniculatum - Magenta cherry or magenta lilly pilly
341 syzygium trippinatum - Hagis
342 tabebuia rosea - trumpet tree, roble
343 tabernaemontana divaricata 'Nieves or Flor Pleno'
344 tagetes Erecta - marigold
345 tamarindus Indica - Sampaloc, sambag, sweet tamarind
346 tecoma Carpensis - Cape Honeysuckle
347 tectona grandis - Mercurochrome tree, teak, teakwood, tekla
348 telosma cordata - Tonkin jasmine, pakalana vine, Tonkinese creeper, Chinese violet
349 theobroma caao-cacao
350 thunbergia Erecta-king's mantle, bush clockvine
351 thunbergia Grandiflora - Bengal clockvine, Bengal trumpet, blue skyflower, blue thunbergia, blue trumpetvine, clockvine, skyflower and skyvine
352 thunbergia Mysorensis
353 thunbergia grandiflora 'Alba' - "Bengal clockvine, Bengal trumpet, white trumpetvine, clockvine, skyflower,skyvine"
354 tibouchina semidecandra|urvilleana - princess flower, glory bush
355 tillandsia sphaero-cephala'
356 tinospora rhumphii - heavenly elixir, makabuhay, kamanngal
357 tournefortia sarmentosa - Salakapo; Tree heliotrope
358 trandescantis spathacea, Rhoeo spathacea(syn)
359 tridax Procumbens - coat buttons, tridax daisy
360 triphasia trifolia - limoncitong Kastila, limeberry
361 tristellateia australasiae - australian gold vine
362 vanda lamellata var boxallii
363 viburrnum sp - arrowwood, blackhaw, cranberry bush, arustinus, annyberry
364 vitex Parviflora - Molave, Tugas, Mulawin, Small-leaf
365 vitex negundo - Lagundi, five-leafed chaste tree, dangla
366 vitex trifolia - lagunding-dagat
367 voacanga globosa - bayag-usa
368 volkameria inermis, Clerodendrum Inerme - Mangongot, sorcerer's vine, wild jasmine ang-angri, baliseng,busel-busel, garden quinine, seaside clerodendrum
369 vriesea carinata orange form x Vriesea sucrei - orange flaming sword
370 wrightia Antidysenterica - arctic snow, white angel
371 wrightia pubiscens ssp lanite - lanete
372 xanthostemon_verdugonianus - mangkono
373 xiphidium Caeruleum - cola de paloma
374 xylopsia densifolia - tangisang bagyo
375 yucca gigantea- giant yucca
376 zamia decumbens
377 zamia furfuracea - cardboard plant
378 zamioculcas zamifolia (variegated) - Zanzibar gem, samio, ZZ
379 zamioculcas zamifolia - ZZ plant, samio, Zanzibar gem,
380 zephyranthes Candida- white rain lily
381 zephyranthes Rosea - pink rain lily
382 zingeber spectabilie - beehive ginger

The list include plants growing abroad.

Friday, June 13, 2014

The mystery of the Mercurochrome tree

I recall a tree during my high school days at NOHS. It had wide leaves which when pressed exuded a red stain. They called it Mercurochrome tree. Several years later after I put up a facebook group on plants and flowers, I was amazed that there was no online reference at all regarding "Mercurochrome" tree. This common name is said to be in use in Ilonggo regions such as Negros and Panay and this common name was even said to be in use in Laguna and Batangas. Here is a photo of the tree taken at Bacolod City Plaza, some old folks selling refreshements even mentioned that they are native and have medical uses.

I thought it was a caramanga tree but the leaf pattern was a little different. I posted a query on another facebook group and was relieved that it was soon identified as a tectona Grandis. This teak species is not actually native to the Philippines but was introduced. The real native teak is tectona philippinensis and will be posted shortly in this blog.

For medical uses, please click on the stuartxchange reference in the entry page. Needless to say, there was an old antiseptic medicine with the same common name Mercurochrome. this was banned by the FDA of the USA after scientific studies of its safety.